Monday, June 7, 2010

When The Defilement Loses its Power...That is Blissful

While on the way to the office this morning, a sense of peace, blissful and inspired thought arose:

  • It is a blessing to be able to see defilement arising, and see it clearer. Yet, the most blessed thing is the defilement has lost its normal powerful impact on mind & body, so I still can walk the Dhamma Path unshakably...Simply feeling blissful... felt like blessed with everything in this life, whether good life, bad life, suffering or happiness, it doesn’t matter. What matter is, are we living life in full?
  • Look at the lotus, it stays cool and elegant while living in the muddy water... So this mind! While the defilement is part of the mind, it arising when condition is there, and disappearing without trace! Like bubble popping out from bottom of pond to the water surface... Lotus remains lotus, retains its pureness, not affected by the dirty water. So this mind with the defilement arising, still retains it coolness, pure and calm.
  • It is a true blessing to see defilement as defilement, its impact is minimized, it is tasteless to the mind when the mind does not cling to it. It loses its power! When it comes, it just performs its natural role, the role of defilement. With its arising and passing away, but the trained mind remains cool & balanced... blissful.
  • Thanks to the years after years of suffering, and still persist to observe this mind and learning from suffering... If we have wisdom, we can learn from suffering and get out of suffering, then suffering is a blessing. Like suffering from not having what we want, but who knows, after losing the thing we want is actually leading us to happiness, and that is a blessing! If we realize and understand this suffering leading to future blessing, then we can live our life wisely with happiness, even life is up & down, and full of sufferings! With this wisdom, that is the most blessing thing in life!
  • A sense of release, mind is able to let go of thing which is GOOD to let go! As clinging to the past means mind cannot open a new chapter in life. Let the past in the past, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. As life unfolds I meet up with new things, new people, because mind is ready to go FREE, into the uncharted path of life, which always leads to surprises and happiness. Let go is the KEY word... in my life!
  • Goodbye to the past, welcome to the the precious gift, for this birthday, and I would like to share with you all.


  1. Thank for you Mindful thought brother, I need that every day !

  2. Yes, mindfulness is our MOST valuable friend, (not your wife, husband or children) its purpose is to 'check & balance' this mind... with this observation from moment to moment in daily life, then peace & happiness, is ALWAYS there! So simple... but also extremely difficult to do... haha... need practice la, right?
