Monday, June 7, 2010

Are You Moody Today? Or Monday's Blue?

朋友, 不要分心...

My dear friends - depressed and gloomy today? Because today is Monday, have to work? Or piss off with your husband, wife or boss? Whatever it is... watch this video clip, may change your mood! Cheer up, my friends! But let me warn you, don't imitate his action! Or else, 你有的受...哈哈! Have a good day...and a good laugh too... Hope you enjoy and be happy again...
朋友, 請開懷大笑吧! 哇噻.... 真的笑死人...
把快樂帶給世界, 世界會
帶給給你更大的快樂! 對嗎?

Thanks to my ex-colleague, for sharing this video clip, appreciated for your forward mail.
As usual, I used to receive a lot of inspiring and humorous forwards from many good friends, thanks for the contributions to make this sharing possible...
Welcome for anyone who has interesting stories to share...share
your happiness or sorrow...
Ans let us laugh, cry... together with you... you are not alone... remember, you r part of the world, so part of me!

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