Saturday, June 5, 2010

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World

Song with wording on screen....

Music, the food of LOVE! Good and powerful music can inspire for change! For individual, as well as the world...

With this beautiful song of Louis Armstrong, singing about the wonderful world around us, it brings joy when listening to his great, powerful voice and the meaningful lyrics. Do not underestimate good music, it may change you and inspire you. It is also a good antidote for stress, and change your mood of the day, for good! Listen now, and see how it changes your mood, then you will concur with me.

I love this song, which is powerful, inspires us to improve this planet, this world where we are living, breaks the man-made barriers and let the our hearts connected. Let's inspire ourselves with the following quotes:

'Change will not come if we waiting for some other person or some other time...' quoted from the President of United States, Barack Obama.

'There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.' quoted from Albert Einstein, a physicist who was born in Germany, in 1879.

'If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made of.' quoted from Bruce Lee.

'If you think you can, then you can...' quoted from a long lost friend.... And... please wake up from playing internet games... Time up, and listen to this song, my dear!

I dedicate this song to those, who happens to have the chance to see this Blog, offer and share with you, my dear friends. With concerted efforts, this song inspires us to think and do any possible way, even a small effort, to save this planet, save this world, for our future generation.

May all beings in this earth be well, peaceful & happy!


  1. How nice if keep our mind in that wonderful world stage!

  2. Yes, u may... unless we constantly apply mindfulness (sati)... hmmm.. much more wonderful than this 'wonderful world'... but still anicca, right?
