Friday, June 11, 2010

11 June - Leaving On a Jet Plane

Lyrics- Leaving On a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go,
I'm standing here outside the door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.
But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn',
The Taxi's waitin', he's blown his horn.
Already I'm so lonesome I could die.

So kiss me and smile for me,
Tell me that you'll wait for me,
Hold me like you never let me go.
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh babe, I hate to go.

There's so many times I've let you down,
So many times I've played around,
I tell you now they don't mean a thing.
Ev'ry place I go I'll think of you
Ev'ry song I sing I sing for you.
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring.

So kiss me ...

Now the time has come to leave you,
One more time let me kiss you,
Then close your eyes, I'll be on my way.
Dream about the days to come,
When I won't have to leave alone,
About the times I won't have to say.

So kiss me ...

Some of my friends are leaving this so called sweet homeland for greener pastures and stay overseas. Last night I had a dinner and a heart to heart talk to my good friend who is leaving for Perth for good. He just goes there with faith without much preparation, so called the God will guide him for everything. I too have great faith on him and he will find his way, and starts a new life and opens a new chapter there, as his life unfolds in his new found home...

Listened to him, describing passionately about his future life there, feeling touched by how great a human being, who is willing to start from scratch, sacrifice for
the sake of his family and children. How precious and refined a human being can be when comes to serve his family and his love ones, manifests the selfless love, or unconditioned love, in Pali word, it is called metta... It is great & cool!

I wholeheartedly wish his dreams come true, always be happy wherever he is. I bless him and his family well with all my heart... hope he will establish a successful life and distinguished career.

While talking to him, I felt a sense of loss... But he immediately prayed to his Lord to make a wish that let us meet again, in his new found home. He always takes pride and serious for his religious conviction that the God will DEFINITELY make me there! So I promise him, I will make a trip soon to Perth, to share his happiness, and catch up with him again. My dear friend, see you in Perth!

I dedicate this song to those, who have left this country for whatever reasons, and stay overseas for good.
Welcome back to your home land, that is your rightful place when you are tired over there... Just in case...

Happy anniversary to a friend who have just passed a year in overseas life. Always has peace with your heart, and take care my dear friend. Promise me, 要快樂啊!


  1. Oh i love that song but i not leaving to any place yet i think anyway who am i to tell the future,i love Johne Denver song since my school day and i think is influence by you ha ha !

  2. With Blog I can'dig'out deep inside my memory those beautiful old melodies to share with ppl who love them, rather than i alone enjoy... Don't forget I could play guitar on those days with my U's gang that I influenced them to learn and played on outings with U mates surrounded me at hill side, esp played English songs...hmmm..'haolian' a bit, aiya, those were the days lah..hahaha
