Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thought and Insight Meditation ...

In insight meditation, when awareness is pure, with relatively less thought involved, you only experience mind and body process, nothing else.

The whole insight meditation is mind and body process. Thought comes from outside and has an impact on the mind, like energy goes into the mind body process. It blurs or makes mind body process not clear, but hazy. Cannot see clear because thought creates emotion, feeling, it is a chain reaction, it goes on endlessly, if you watch it closely. Thought sucks in lots of energy, makes you restless, exhausted and tired, sometimes high, other time low, if you let thought runs wild.

With just pure awareness, turn inward, then mind notices and feels the pure bodily sensations, in a direct way. In insight meditation, only two things happened: the pure bodily sensations and the mind watching and knowing it, so called mind and body process. That is the state of mind when thought starting to lose its impact/effect that influences mind. In this state of mind, when thought is losing its power, then left behind is the pure awareness. With pure awareness, inner feelings, sensations can be directly felt clearer in the process of mind and body, it is due to less disturbance from thought. By this way of ‘tuning’ of mind, it dissolves the thought from arising and gets it out of the mind body process. With pure awareness, here your are: a moment of peace and calm, fully rest your body and mind, and finally, you are home again.

Mind clearer or not, depends on how much inflow of thought, or how much thought is created. The more thought the less clear the mind is. With thought you can’t see the reality of mind. In other words, you can’t understand and notice the inner feeling and the subtle mental state of mind.

Thought is just for knowledge and learning, it is useful on day to day interaction with people, such as working to resolve problems. But thought is the enemy to insight meditation. Tuning the mind is tuning the subtlety of thought, from actively thinking to passively passing thoughts, until thought happens only passing by at the background of mind body process. Not longer part of the process.

In this state of mind, thought exists subtly outside the mind body process, it has not much effect on the process. That is the fine tuning of mind inwardly, to make meditation conducive in order to understand mind body process deeper and subtler. If you can further tuning it, until in thoughtless state, then in this undisturbed mind body process, will help for deeper mental investigation during the meditation. Hold it longer, with more clarity, normally insight knowledge or direct experience is getting clearer and clearer in the process (not through thinking mind). That is the whole business of insight meditation.

But, who is the one doing the tuning? There is no one there, the tuning doing by the tuner, and the tuner is the mind itself, so mind does it. Mind body process is like a machine, has its own system and operates by its own way. Thought only disturbs the perfect system by trying to do something, in actual, nothing needs to be done. Leave it as it is. Thought is something outside, something from memory, man made, artificial product of mind body process. When understand this, we can see the glimpse of non self, in Pali word; anatta. Where is ‘I’?

You create it... in order to live in the world of delusion.

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