Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nasi Lemak2.0 - 辣死你媽

From the review, it is found that in general, responses are good ...

Though watched it today, the movie theater had only two persons, me & my friend! First time in my life, like I 'booked' the whole movie theater - felt like my private movie theater, wow, exclusively for us, haha... Anyway just to show support for Namewee, and our local movie.

Can see that Namewee is very talented. Despite the lack of budget for production, Nasi Lemak 2.0 is very well done. Convincing acting performance, good local sense of humour, and commendable attempt on educating viewers about multi-racial unity non-politically. Not to mention that it's Namewee's first time acting and directing a film.

Though it is difficult to mention all the issues happening in Malaysia, Namewee trying to reflect them in a subtle way and with sense of humour. If you are concerned about Malaysia politics, you know what he is trying to say. There are lot of messages in this movie, for us to learn that living in this multi racial country like Malaysia is not easy, we must put in effort to appreciate the culture and traditions of others.

Hat off to this young man, admire his courage to follow his dream, he did it, and did it elegantly and meaningfully. Hope that Malaysian will give support this movie.

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