Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wisdom in Daily Life

蓮花 - 出於污泥而不染
本性清靜, 濁世不染
難怪佛陀不坐在茉莉花或玫瑰花上, 而是蓮花上! 哈哈!
Lotus, the graceful forms, synonymy of serenity & wisdom
它在告訴我們: 濁世之欲樂, 沾不得, 染不得.
離開五欲六塵, 才能解脫自在.

When life comes to difficult situations, I always think about all those meditative experiences, how they help to alleviate the gravity of sufferings. What is wisdom? Is it just the abstract notion of thought? Or is it for real? Then how do we take the wisdom, clarity of insightful experiences into our lives, that impact positively on relationships and all that we do. It is a challenge, no doubt, it is also the crux of the practice.

Look at the beautiful lotus, sitting calmly and elegantly, growing out of mud, still and putrid water of pond. They are so detached and undisturbed by the muddy pond! Their graceful forms, instantly shine on our hearts with delight and joy! Certainly, it tells us something...

Whatever hard we practice, we are not going to change the outside world, they are what they are. We are not practicing to change anything. When thing going to happen, it will happen. There is a karmic force links it to happen, no escape! But it is the matter of mind & heart, that matters. Just like the lotus, whatever our life circumstances, it is still possible for the most pure and beautiful thing to rise.

The mind can be what it is, in the realm of hell or heaven but it is always as cool as a cucumber. It is something beyond that mental activities. There are thunderstorm, rain, lightning in that dark night sky, but it does not change the Nature of sky, it is still what it is. This reminds me of the Ajahn Chah Teaching; Still - Flowing Water, 靜止的流水. There is similarity with the Teaching of Lotus, 異曲同工?

Whatever it is, the wisdom lies deep inside this mind and body, right? The book of wisdom - the heart! Oh, I got it, just continue practice, make sure it is seamless continuity of daily mindfulness.

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