Monday, April 4, 2011

Bangkok - 尘世,美食,欲望,足迹

Located at a quiet & country side of Bangkok (40km away)
A Dutch setting restaurant - The romantic night view
荷蘭村餐館 - 環境優美, 食物可口,美食當前,一一品嚐
Open space and surrounded by lake, the restaurant serves
specialist Dutch cuisine. The cosy corner, suitable both,
for business entertainment, as well as family gathering.
A favorable ambience, not bad!
Bangkok' s 四面佛 - 凡人的寄托, 欲望的存在
四面佛 - 神明的存在是因為心中有所求, 欲望所致
(Supply & Demand) 心中無求, 自然空
城市也是塵世... Center of Bangkok, Center of Desire
Business's Talk? 契機, 機緣, 應運而生
Hotel's Lobby staircase - Step by Step
凡事從第一步開始, 慢慢穩健的走, 步步高升

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