Saturday, April 16, 2011

Meditation Retreat at KT

Since June 2006, I had my last retreat at KT with my Teacher, Ven. Sujiva. since then I have not seen him for more than 5 years.

Welcome back for 2011 retreat at KT!

It is my pleasure, with the arising of the right conditions, to be able to join this KT Retreat again.

This time, with an entourage of substantial European meditators or yogis following Ven. Sujiva coming to Malaysia for this retreat.

It is delightful to see that after more than 10 years, Ven. Sujiva has succeeded in spreading the Teaching of Meditation in Europe.

When retreat coming to an end, witnessing a tree planting ceremony to commemorate for this International Retreat, attending by various nationalities. Each nationality planted a different specie of tree on behalf of his country.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

KT retreat center - part of views show
the serenity and peaceful environment
which is conducive for meditation
Walking path at male yogi
meditation hall
忍! 忍一時風平浪靜, 退一步海闊天空!
好個德國仔! Sacha, 你有智慧!
難怪, 師父常說, 德國人精進力最強!
A German, Sacha sat at the
meditation hall
Again, Sacha in action,
meditated under trees
Greg, a Hungarian meditator
sitting outdoor...Enjoyed
the serene environment.
Wow, the white witch cum psychologist
A Czech woman occupied
a meditation seat just
beside the small kuti
where I stayed...
Yogis doing their sitting
and walking meditation
inside the hall
Kuti of Wind - A small kuti, where I stayed during the retreat.
Dining hall, where meditators having breakfast & lunch.
Devotees offering food to monks & Teacher.
Every night, Teacher, Ven. Sujiva gave Dhamma talk
Tree planting ceremony for international yogis.
Sacha of Germany, planted a tree on behalf
of his country...
Tree planting ceremony.
Just finished planting on behalf
of China. Sister Sam(右-KT 中心負責人)
Tree planting. A yogi from Czech, just about to
plant a tree on behalf of her country
Tree planting ceremony for international yogis. When Sifu,
Ven. Sujiva declared that the Hungarian meditator, Greg,
(front guy who laughed) to plant the tree of 'Tongkat Ali',
famous for enhancing energy, everybody laughed!
Greg, from Hungary (匈牙利) planting the
'powerful' tree - Tongkat Ali and Jan, from
Switzerland, looked on with smile.
Tree planting ceremony. Yogis from Czech the Republic
Chanting with Sifu after completed planting the tree
A Swiss yogi, Jan, planted a tree for Switzerland
A yogi from Singapore planted a tree
3 Italian yogis planting a tree for Italy
Sister Sam, KT center coordinator, a very hard working
and dedicated dhamma worker. She was the one
arranged, coordinated and organized this international
retreat of over 60 yogis from many countries.
Night view of this small kuti, which is very quiet and
peaceful when night falls.
A place of Worship - The four Great Heavenly Kings-
according to the Buddhist faith, these four Guardian gods
live in the heaven of Caturmaharajika. Each of whom takes
care one direction of world: King Dhatarattha (East),
King Virulhaka (West), King Virupakkha (South) and
King Vessuvana (North). They are the protectors of
the world, fighters of the evils, protecting Buddha-Dhamma
and Buddha followers from danger. Pray for風調雨順...

Sima Hall, part of
structures for KT Center

Floating leave, reflects
the lightness and brightness
of mind...

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