Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Changmai - 修行, 诚朴, 农村, 寺庙

Tham Tong Retreat Center: University students spending week end at the
retreat center. There are various groups coming to retreat center for
practicing Buddhism through out the year. A heathy sign for young men.
Young students listening to the Dhamma Talk when staying in the
retreat center.
There is a good trend in Tham Tong, young people, especially university
students, more and more engaging in Buddhism activities. Loads of bus
taking lot of students coming here esp on school holidays. It is good that
they start at the young age. 诤化人心, 年轻是本!
The Chief Monk, Ajahn Suchin, he is very serene, wise and well respected
in the community. His extremely simple life style, by itself, is a great
teaching to those associate and deal with him. Also an adorable person.
Akk, my friend, he ordained last year. Met him again. Obvious, he is practicing
well since then. Just happy to see that he is doing well, wish that he can
continue walk this Path until the end... All the best to him.
New comer, Mr. Tan TS, came to retreat for the first time. Hope that he
enjoyed the days of practicing. And also will come back again. Look
like he was very relaxed after lunch...Day One, well done! 加油!
At the country side, somewhere near the longan fruit (龙眼) orchard.
Just after the sunrise, the magnificent view simply taking one's
breath away. Enjoyed the morning serenity and fresh air.
Clean and crystal clear water (远山绿水), looking at the green field is to relax
one's mind in the nature. 陶情山水, 山环水带, 舒畅心怡, 游山玩水
Visiting to Longan Orchard, eat as much as you can!
The way leads to Tham Tong, along the path with various fruit orchards
The orchard farmer and the traders...

Goodbye and see you again...再见, 保重!
A walking path to a kuti, Tham Tong has many kuties for people
to stay when coming for retreat...
Sitting in such a serene environment with the running stream of water
must be very peaceful....心如静水
A young nun doing her routine walking meditation beside the stream.
Walking so mindfully, is walking the Noble Path...肃立致敬
Cave at Tham Tong, a nun doing her meditation and chanting.
A serene and peaceful atmosphere. 修行好地方
"May my heart be let go, be dispassionate, be detached, be unattached to all things,
to oneself and the world. May there be complete self surrender." ---
Quote from Sujiva's book: The Tree of Wisdom - The River of No Returned.

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