Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wat Ram Poeng-Meditation Center

Out of curiosity, on this trip I decided to explore further on other meditation centers in Chiangmai area. Here arriving at Northern Insight Meditation Center, Wat Ram Poeng, which is about 20 minutes of driving from center of Chiangmai.

I met up with Phra Chaibordin, a coordinator and person in charge at the Foreign Meditation Office. He took me around the center and finally led me to Abbot's office and paying respect to him. The Chief Monk briefed me on the method of meditation.

The center has an introductory booklet, it explains the method of vipassana. The practice is based on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. As this is a practice of mental development, and involved with personal experience. It does not matter if you are Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Nor it is important what nationality or colour you are, since each person in the world is longing for a better life. The Insight Meditation technique taught here is a way to prepare a path to a better, peaceful life through clear understanding about one self. Meditation also means Mental Development, through intimately personal experience of this mind and body to understand one self deeper.

I was told by Phra Chaibordin, on month of April, there will be 100 Chinese from China, are coming to this retreat center for practice meditation. China? A bit surprise! On last year, 2010, there are 422 meditators, coming from all over the world to this center for retreat. Mostly American (57) and European (96), there are also Australian and Canadian and some Vietnamese.

For basic course in Vipassana (Insight) meditation, the center provides guidance for the practice. Welcome for those interested, seeking happiness & peaceful life, to explore and understand your own mind deeper.

May you be well & happy

At the main entrance, the big signboard shows:
Northern Insight Meditation Center
Wat Ram Poeng
Near to the entrance, there is the
trademark stupa of this center
Foreign Meditation Office for registration.
PIC-Phra Chaibordin, a very friendly monk, who briefed
me on the center and led me to see the Abbot.
Compound of the meditation retreat center
From the gate, leads to dormitory for yogis.
Place for lunch & breakfast, buffet/self-service meal
A lovely, cosy but serene environment. With tall trees
all over the place. Peaceful place for retreat
Row of kuti built orderly, with modern amenities.
Walking path to individual kuti/rooms
A typical kuti for meditator, bathroom with toilet attached
Part of compound of the retreat center.
A monk from Brunei walking and had a talk to me.
Behind is the place for lunch and breakfast
Abbot/Chief Monk of Wat Ram Poeng: Ajahn Suphan.
Briefing on the teaching, method of practice etc
for this meditation center.
Ajahn Tong, Ajahn Suphan's Teacher.
Ajahn Tong is currently Abbot of Wat
Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong, in Chom
Tong District of Chaingmai. He is the
Chief Vipassana Master of the Northern
Region of Thailand. One of the most
respectable meditation teachers in
A spectacle view of the sacred Stupa.
A female yogi in a peaceful state of meditation

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wisdom in Daily Life

蓮花 - 出於污泥而不染
本性清靜, 濁世不染
難怪佛陀不坐在茉莉花或玫瑰花上, 而是蓮花上! 哈哈!
Lotus, the graceful forms, synonymy of serenity & wisdom
它在告訴我們: 濁世之欲樂, 沾不得, 染不得.
離開五欲六塵, 才能解脫自在.

When life comes to difficult situations, I always think about all those meditative experiences, how they help to alleviate the gravity of sufferings. What is wisdom? Is it just the abstract notion of thought? Or is it for real? Then how do we take the wisdom, clarity of insightful experiences into our lives, that impact positively on relationships and all that we do. It is a challenge, no doubt, it is also the crux of the practice.

Look at the beautiful lotus, sitting calmly and elegantly, growing out of mud, still and putrid water of pond. They are so detached and undisturbed by the muddy pond! Their graceful forms, instantly shine on our hearts with delight and joy! Certainly, it tells us something...

Whatever hard we practice, we are not going to change the outside world, they are what they are. We are not practicing to change anything. When thing going to happen, it will happen. There is a karmic force links it to happen, no escape! But it is the matter of mind & heart, that matters. Just like the lotus, whatever our life circumstances, it is still possible for the most pure and beautiful thing to rise.

The mind can be what it is, in the realm of hell or heaven but it is always as cool as a cucumber. It is something beyond that mental activities. There are thunderstorm, rain, lightning in that dark night sky, but it does not change the Nature of sky, it is still what it is. This reminds me of the Ajahn Chah Teaching; Still - Flowing Water, 靜止的流水. There is similarity with the Teaching of Lotus, 異曲同工?

Whatever it is, the wisdom lies deep inside this mind and body, right? The book of wisdom - the heart! Oh, I got it, just continue practice, make sure it is seamless continuity of daily mindfulness.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Meditation Retreat at KT

Since June 2006, I had my last retreat at KT with my Teacher, Ven. Sujiva. since then I have not seen him for more than 5 years.

Welcome back for 2011 retreat at KT!

It is my pleasure, with the arising of the right conditions, to be able to join this KT Retreat again.

This time, with an entourage of substantial European meditators or yogis following Ven. Sujiva coming to Malaysia for this retreat.

It is delightful to see that after more than 10 years, Ven. Sujiva has succeeded in spreading the Teaching of Meditation in Europe.

When retreat coming to an end, witnessing a tree planting ceremony to commemorate for this International Retreat, attending by various nationalities. Each nationality planted a different specie of tree on behalf of his country.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

KT retreat center - part of views show
the serenity and peaceful environment
which is conducive for meditation
Walking path at male yogi
meditation hall
忍! 忍一時風平浪靜, 退一步海闊天空!
好個德國仔! Sacha, 你有智慧!
難怪, 師父常說, 德國人精進力最強!
A German, Sacha sat at the
meditation hall
Again, Sacha in action,
meditated under trees
Greg, a Hungarian meditator
sitting outdoor...Enjoyed
the serene environment.
Wow, the white witch cum psychologist
A Czech woman occupied
a meditation seat just
beside the small kuti
where I stayed...
Yogis doing their sitting
and walking meditation
inside the hall
Kuti of Wind - A small kuti, where I stayed during the retreat.
Dining hall, where meditators having breakfast & lunch.
Devotees offering food to monks & Teacher.
Every night, Teacher, Ven. Sujiva gave Dhamma talk
Tree planting ceremony for international yogis.
Sacha of Germany, planted a tree on behalf
of his country...
Tree planting ceremony.
Just finished planting on behalf
of China. Sister Sam(右-KT 中心負責人)
Tree planting. A yogi from Czech, just about to
plant a tree on behalf of her country
Tree planting ceremony for international yogis. When Sifu,
Ven. Sujiva declared that the Hungarian meditator, Greg,
(front guy who laughed) to plant the tree of 'Tongkat Ali',
famous for enhancing energy, everybody laughed!
Greg, from Hungary (匈牙利) planting the
'powerful' tree - Tongkat Ali and Jan, from
Switzerland, looked on with smile.
Tree planting ceremony. Yogis from Czech the Republic
Chanting with Sifu after completed planting the tree
A Swiss yogi, Jan, planted a tree for Switzerland
A yogi from Singapore planted a tree
3 Italian yogis planting a tree for Italy
Sister Sam, KT center coordinator, a very hard working
and dedicated dhamma worker. She was the one
arranged, coordinated and organized this international
retreat of over 60 yogis from many countries.
Night view of this small kuti, which is very quiet and
peaceful when night falls.
A place of Worship - The four Great Heavenly Kings-
according to the Buddhist faith, these four Guardian gods
live in the heaven of Caturmaharajika. Each of whom takes
care one direction of world: King Dhatarattha (East),
King Virulhaka (West), King Virupakkha (South) and
King Vessuvana (North). They are the protectors of
the world, fighters of the evils, protecting Buddha-Dhamma
and Buddha followers from danger. Pray for風調雨順...

Sima Hall, part of
structures for KT Center

Floating leave, reflects
the lightness and brightness
of mind...