Monday, August 22, 2011

If I Didn't Care ...

In the prologue/opening of the 1994 film, "The Shawshank Redemption" it begins with a scratchy car radio (on the soundtrack) plays the romantic and beautiful song: "If I Didn't Care," performed by the Group Inkspots:

If I didn't care more than words can say

If I didn't care would I feel this way?

If this isn't love then why do I thrill?

And what makes my head go 'round and 'round

While my heart stands still?

If I didn't care would it be the same?

Would my ev'ry prayer begin and end with just your name?

And would I be sure that this is love beyond compare?

Would all this be true if I didn't care for you?


Listening to this song, it soothes the soul, fills with joy ....

Simply love it ... A warm dedication to the Joy of World ...

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