Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bruce Lee - The 70th Birthday

Bruce Lee's Fans across the globe are preparing to this Saturday, 27 Nov 2010, mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of actor and martial arts legend Bruce Lee. Events are being organized from San Francisco, where Lee was born, to Hong Kong, where he was raised and found fame, as well as wherever Bruce Lee fan clubs are found across the globe.

There is no replacement for this ultimate fighter & fine martial artist. We cannot find his calibre again, even the popular film stars like Jackie Chan and Jet Lee, still a distant away.

Bruce Lee, just like Michael Jason, was gifted by God, the one and only one! Lee was living in Hong Kong when he was struck down by a cerebral edema (swelling of the brain) on July 20, 1973, at 32 years old. His international fame had just been established. Thanks to the Hollywood-funded Way of the Dragon, while in Hong Kong he had responsible for two massive box office hits in the year before his death - Big Boss (1971) and Fists of Fury (1972).

Today, the four decades of his death, the filming industry and his fans need to commemorate and in honour of Bruce Lee's contribution. This reminds us, life is as brief as the shooting star at night, it shines a short while & disappears. But with Bruce Lee's life, he came to this earth with his talent, which inspires us with his fine art of Kung Fu, which is so profound and enjoying that leaves his footprints in this earth and always in our memories.

Thank you Bruce Lee, my favorite, the most respected martial artist and also my inspiring Kung Fu's Master or Si-Fu, with so many times that I had watched and learned of every aspects the Bruce's movies of 70s.

Peace be with you, Bruce, happy birthday and I miss you.

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