Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tham Tong - The Meditation Center In Chaing Mai

The Chief monk pointing to the little girl who was paying respect to me
A row of kutis (house) along the valley as accommodations.
A stream running across the valley separates the male & female kutis
Female meditators, nuns and lay people
Offering food to monks - 2 meals per day
A simple kuti built on hilly slope
Top view - a remote and secluded kuti
A serene small path leading to a secluded cave at back of hill
A bigger and well developed cave for meditation and chanting
A smaller but natural cave, excellent for meditation
With crystal clear water from waterfall for daily consumption
Daily activity, preparing food for offering to monks.
Dedicated monks and nuns involving in organic farming
Nuns as cooks and chefs serve the monastery selflessly
Well... time for meditation, please don't disturb me!

Tham Tong, it means monastery with caves. This monastery cum meditation center is about 90 km away from Chaing Mai. It is very convenient to take bus from center of Chaing Mai, with 50 Bath and 1.5 hours to reach here. The monastery opens to people who want to taste the peaceful and quiet of monastic life, free of charge.

The natural environment is peaceful, with crystal clear stream running across the valley which separates two rows of kutis, one side for female and the other for male meditators. It is a good engineering practice that the monastery built a simple dam on top of waterfall and diverted the stream of water from the dam to the center for daily consumption. It is really environmental friendly. The quality of water is superb; cold and fresh that can energize our body and mind. With the fresh air within the mountainous surroundings, it is a healthy life style to stay here, cool!

Wake up bell is at 4.00am to start practice, 7.00am and 11.30am for breakfast and lunch, two meals per day. Food is good, as the monastery encouraging for organic farming, with a lot of vegetable and fruits, with Thai style of cooking. In additional to this, the center provides a varieties of drink at 5.00pm.

We are entirely free for the whole day, practice on our own, and no one will disturb you. The period of stay is entirely up to you, you may stay for few days, to few months, or for good: to be ordained as a monk or nun and stay there forever! Why not?

Sometimes city life and works stress you, why not give yourself a chance to taste this alternative life style? May be the experience you gained after the stay, can change your perspective in life, and you will never be the same person again! For sure, and at least the experience here will make you much more happier and healthier than before... And re-charged with fresh energy for your next venture or challenge when coming back to the worldly life.

Thanks to this monastery, especially the Chief monk, with his compassion, providing the helps of all kinds for the duration I stayed. May all of you be well and happy...


  1. Hi

    How did you go about booking this centre? Did you book it in advance, I would really like to go but do not know how to book. x

  2. my email address is r.wong@live.co.uk please could you reply here. Thanks x
