Thursday, March 25, 2010

Monks Ordination Day - Rite & Ceremony

Shaving the head - the first ceremony for ordination
Paying respect and expressed gratitude to the sponsor & his mother
Listening to the Chief monk sermon & instruction
All monks family members participated in the ceremony
With Akk's family members
Nok, a doctor in psychology, practicing in a general hospital
Akk's mother & his sister
Time to say goodbye to his family, leads a monk-hood life from here & now

This is the first time, as a sponsor for monk's ordination and yet it happened in Thailand. There were 5 monks to be ordained on that day, out of good affinity that I met and linked to this family.

Akk, one of the 5 Thai monks that selected by the Abbot (the Chief Monk of Tham Tong monastery) to be the monk to receive my sponsorship. He came from a simple family, with a mother (father passed away) and a sister. For Thai and buddhist tradition, to become a monk is an honorable and meritorious deed for whole family. Though from financial aspect, the family is losing out a supporter for earning a living. Now, the burden and responsibility rest onto his sister, Nok, who is a doctor, specialized in Psychology. Currently she is working in a provincial general hospital, a very intelligent lady, caring daughter and also well verse in Buddhism.

Well, rite and ceremony for ordination ended in a day, but leading a monk-hood is a whole life business. Wishing this newly ordained monk, Akk, having a wonderful and successful monastic life. As I promised to visit him when I come back for my next retreat, sure will visit his family too.

Merit sharing: May the power of the merit of this ordination brings happiness, peace to this family, and those who are connected and having affinity.

1 comment:

  1. very great to meet u too.

    About my brother i hope that he will having a wonderful and successful too.

    ^ ^
