Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Little Girl - Kwan How

Kwan How - A two years old little girl
The Person In-charge - with Kwan How

Somehow, called it kammic link or divinity, if you like. A good friend of mine, a local guy, Addy, brought me here, one of the orphanages in Chaing Mai. From here on, my life unfolds and found my 'love' at this orphanage.

"Trust your heart, not your mind or thought"! I was thinking in this way as walking from one room to another, guided by the person in charge, looking for my 'love' one. There were so many little boys and girls, rushing to me longing for holding and hugging. But the heart did not feel anything special, until the little girl, Kwan How approached me. Oh... my goodness, the heart struck deeply when hugged her, that was the one! The heart was melted and soften... only the person who have experienced this feeling, then knows what I am talking about. Is this called kammic link? I don't know!

Why not be a Friend of this foundation, give care and help? The orphanage foundation is looking for individual donors, to help and bring the promise of happiness and a better life to these poor orphaned babies and children. Why not help the children? To give them warm, love and care. The individual generosity can ensure them facing a much promising future, as happy and healthy children when they join the society.

Why think so much about ourselves? Sometimes forget about ourselves - 忘我 (the 'I', the ego, always think I want this and that, is mine...) is a blessing. Then only a genuine happiness arises, especially when think to help, care for others, the poor and needy. It is so fortunate that we still have the capacity to help, care and love. No need to look from outside, when you forget yourself, express your concern and care for others, then the happiness is here and now, within you.

Realized that compassion and forgiveness are the source of happiness. Forgiveness is a synonym to compassion. When we have compassion, we always can forgive people. This is an important nature to be a human being, in order to have blessing and happiness. Self center person, only care for his or her welfare, demand satisfaction from people. Live within their own world of fantasy, they make themselves as center of universe.

Especially in this era of internet, people living in the virtual world and lose the human touch and mostly indulge with computer games. In the long run, they forget the human relationships and spend the precious time unproductively and get lost in the world created by internet games. This affects the quality of life, it makes life feel hollow and empty, meaningless and lose the sense of purpose in life. Therefore they feel insecure and unhappy in their daily life because they are not engaging with REAL people and not show concern to others. They feel bored and want to pass their time, they create their own world and live with it. Isn't is pitiful? The boredom is the enemy, and yet they don't know how to spend their time wisely and productively.

We are so lucky and living in a very comfortable and affluent society, we have everything we need, and more. But we lose in direction and absorb ourselves with greed and unlimited desires, that we want things more than actually what we need. What we need is so little and life can be so simple. But what we want can be as big as a sky! With this greed by wanting this and that unlimitedly, how can we have time and effort to care for others?

When we involve ourselves with reality, by seeing the people here dedicated their lives for the sake of the children, the compassion and joy arise as we know that in this world they are kind people with genuine love to serve the society selflessly. Because we know that the children here are waiting for a kind heart to offer hope for a better future... they just ask for the basic needs for life... Can we stand alone and watch them from a distance?

Let start from Kwan How, I promise to come back again...

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