Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kg Pong - Be a Batman in a Batcave

Kg. Pong of Klian Intan, is a small Thai village, situated at the remote part of Grik district of Perak, Malaysia. Surrounded by high mountains, with green, cool and peaceful environment, is a perfect place for outdoor meditation retreat.

Under the guidance of Meditation Master Ajahn Suk, a free style of meditation practice is adopted. The whole village is surrounded by mountains, one can meditate anywhere under trees. There are natural caves, cemetery, mountainous areas, are all natural places for meditation.

The most impressive and memorable place of meditation is the Batcave, a distance away from Kg. Pong and located at the certain height of a mountain. This is a cool and home of bats. Occasionally at night, could notice the roaming of wild animals in the vicinity. It is a very unusual experience to explore on meditation for the practice at this cave.

Those who like natural environment, outdoor activity, like climbing mountain, enjoy aloneness, deep contemplation, independent and prefer for self practice on meditation, then this is the most suitable place that you are looking for. Want to be a Batman, in a Batcave?

Kg Pong, a Thai village
Monks' rest house
Vicinity of Thai cemetery, an ideal place for practice
A popular place for meditation under trees at cemetery area
The Batcave, serves as a meditation center
A forest monk at front side of a cave
Kg. Pong, a suspended wooden bridge
Ajahn Suk- Meditation Teacher & Forest Monk

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