Monday, October 3, 2011

Soul Mate ...

... from車厘子Carlie: An interesting Blog:

Is the guy the soul mate for this life?

Soulmate is someone who have an intense relationship with you. So whoever he/she is your family member, your colleague, your friends etc are most likely your soulmate who going through stages of life and you would have life lessons to learn by having relationships with them. So when you encounter this guy, you can also be sure that he is also one of your soulmates.

But I understand that you are asking whether this man is the one who goes through the life with you. Yes, he would accompany you to pass on a certain stages of life. His presence may bring you joy and also bitterness, so that you could grow in life when you cope with all these.

We are not doing fortune telling because it is your choice to stay with him for a longer or shorter time. From our point of view, good or bad is not depending on how long you would go along with this guy, but if he gives you some lessons to learn, whether you have to learn about love or passion or appreciation or forgiveness, he is meant to stay besides you until your lesson is finished. It is all planned before you were born, and it is you who allow him to come to your life for this life lesson. So never persist on whether you would be forever with him or get married with him. Yes from your human point of view, marriage is very important. But it does not mean that when you get married with this guy, you could get rid of all problems in the relationship with him. It is most likely the greatest challenge when you get married with him because both of you would have more responsibility and expectation with each other.

So he comes for your life lesson, and you are also a life lesson of him. Be grateful to your relationship because he would cherish your life if you understand what you can learn from him. Breaking up of a relationship means that both of your life lessons have been finished, so you have to go on your way for advancing in your path of growth. So whether you will be with him for a long time or short time, you should know that he is meant to be in your life. He plays an important role in your life. Whether you find that he hurts you, you still learn to be strong and know more about love.

So, enjoy your life lesson with this guy. You should benefit from him much in this lifetime.

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