Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mistake & Lesson

You never make mistake in life, but only learn your lessons.

Mistake makes you feel you have failed something, you are not good enough; but lesson makes you think, you have experienced something in life, potentially, that experience you have gone through, can improve your life quality, and be a better person.

Mistake makes you down and feel negative; while, if you take it as a lesson then you learned. You feel free from guilt and self blamed. You feel it is a process in life for you to learn something. If you are mindful and pay more attention, you will know, your experience at different stages of your life, it always shows you abundance of lessons for you to learn. Whether it is good or bad experience, you still learn something from it.

That why you feel positive because you are learning. See the differences between mistake and lesson. So don’t worry about making mistake, at the same time be mindful and pay attention on every action, decision you make. Remember, each action itself comes with responsibility (每個行動本身, 就存有責任). Once you make your decision, wholeheartedly live with that decision, and happily live your life. At the same time, you still can change your decision, if you feel is not right or need to be changed as circumstances arising.

That is the good thing of life, because it is uncertain and changing all the time. Yet, you still can make you own choice, to do or not to do it, then take the full responsibility. Never afraid of life, never afraid of change. Change is part of life, just like death is part of life. Enjoy the power that life gives you, brave enough to see the ups and downs of life, at the meantime, have the courage to deal and face with suffering or difficulty come along with life. Life is never a straight line, so enjoy and observe your life, that is what life want you to learn through the process until your last day on this earth.

Lesson after lesson, experience after experience, after sometime, when you look backwards from your past, and connect all these lessons together, that is YOU, that is something called LIFE.

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