Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Higher Than the Thought Realm


When sitting/meditating, mind can always go higher than thought realm, instead of just watch your thought process.

As in the thought realm there is not much room for improvement, it is tiring to see one thought after another, like the continuity of watching movie without stop. So 'switch' to another level. Watch THE mind that watching the thought generated, that mind used to react to your thought habitually, and NEVER fail to trigger your emotions and feelings of LIKE & DISLIKE. In this state of mind, can compare to the stock market, ups and downs, or the changeable weather of sunshine with sudden change to thunder storm and lightnings.

When mind involves with like & dislike, at this mental level, we are inflicted with suffering. You know, thought is the culprit that brings lots of emotional baggage from our memory, good or bad. As we know thought process is never ending, like an ancient story teller, you like it or not, it keeps telling you story. It tells you all kind of stories, some positive and many negative. Some inspire you, but many make you worried and moody.

Why live life like that? Seldom people know, if you investigate your mind, and you may notice that there is another realm or level or consciousness or subconciousness or 靈 or whatever you call it in our mind. Better still, don't label or name it, take it as what it is because it is nameless. At this level of mental state, thought is not active there, vaguely running at background.

So just go in that state of mind, rest there, feel it and enjoy it. It exists, if your mind is subtle enough, quiet enough, you will ‘see’ it or feel its existence. This is the level that push your thoughts to the distant background, it is detached from you. Like you are no longer affected by earth's gravitational force, that always pulls and grounded you.

At this moment you feel that you are not the one who is thinking, it seems like thought comes by itself, it is self-generated and not related to you, so it is detached. Like driving a car in free gear stage, because you de-clutched it, then the car is free from moving.

So when your mind is 'de-clutched' then you are free from thought running. Now your mind is in the state that thought is subtly running at background and no longer affects you. To some extent, you are free from mental disturbances. Sometimes, you may go one step further, then it becomes thoughtless state. This state is like that: something abundant within (there is mental activities) and also emptying out of all things. You just feel a series of very subtle sensational process. That is another FORM of thought without content.

In physics, we know that energy can be converted and manifested in different forms. Now, thought is reduced to merely a series of mental sensations, another form of energy. At this mental level, there is no interpretation of thoughts, but a flow of sensations, nothing else. Therefore, there is no feeling of like & dislike, our habitual pattern, to inflict us. You are emotionally free and detached. This is another form of manifestation of mental energy. A beautiful state of mind, peaceful & calm.

When mind out of the influence of thought process, that is the time, mind can truly rest and being peaceful by itself. Even you rest a while in that level, you feel refresh and the lightness of mind.

At the same time you realize how much suffering life is. For a human being that living in this world, we are constantly bombarded by our self created thoughts without knowing for our entire life. Yet, the infliction is created by ourselves! If you see this happening or experience it in your own mind, and realized it by yourself; that is the inner wisdom appeared. It helps you to understand your life deeper and better.

Cool, isn't?

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