Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You Are My True Friend...

Ven. Sujiva

Will you let me be your friend
Will you let me lead you by the hand
And I will try my very best
To make you understand
The nature of the world.

And when you see
As I do see
And you can feel as I do feel
Then you will surely understand
How I feel for you

Then together we will walk hand in hand
Along the road
Of life’s undertakings
Understanding the true nature of the world.

Poem by Ven. Sujiva.

Happy birthday to my dear Teacher, Ven. Sujiva - May all your wishes come true, always be healthy & safely.
Thank you for your teaching and your wise Dhamma talks that I am always listening and learning...


  1. Friends who share and understand the True Nature, the Reality, of course, that is Dhamma, the Truth and the Nature of the World is within yourselves, that is yours! Look for it! hahaha...
