Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Surprise Call for Mr. Busy Businessman...

(B - Mr. Busy Businessman, C - Anonymous Caller)

Telephone: Ring, ring...
B: Hello, who's there?
C: Is that you, Mr. Busy Businessman?
B: Yes, may I know who's there on line?
C: Well, hello Mr. Busy Businessman!

I've got one or two things to tell you.
You have no time for anything else,
Except: Accumulating phone bills,
Rushing for meetings, seminars
With big shots,
Borrow from the bank,
Then paying only when you can,
Speculating on shares,
Watching prices go up and down,
Deciding when to buy and sell.

O Mr. Busy Businessman,
There is no end to your running around
Trying to make ends meet,
Earning more than you need,
Suffering in hell for a number of cents.

B: May I know who's the IDIOT on the line?

C: I can be anybody, you just name it,
I am your mother, your father, your wife,
I am your child, your brother,
I am your conscience, your remorse
Over things done and undone,
I am your lost hopes for goodness and blessings,
I am your greed, your anger and most of all your delusion,
I am the reminder of terrors waiting for you,
I am that sickness, old age and of course, Death,
I am those things once gone, never return,
Your time is up Mr. Busy Businessman!
I am your karmic creditor and tax collector, your Nemesis!
You are now spiritually bankrupt, Mr. Busy Businessman.
When you were young you did not strive,
When you should have given, you hoard instead,
When you should be in the temple,
You went to bars for a drink,
You've wasted away your precious human life.

O Mr. Busy Businessman!
So now how can all those money help you?
Look, what have all those anxieties done to you?
A little late is too late,
What's done cannot be erased.
The black hearse is waiting,
The chains are on your neck,
Do you can see all those demons waiting to torture you?
Can you see all those wolves and vultures,
Waiting to devour your flesh?

Mr. Busy Businessman looks behind him and sees something too horrible to describe)

B: What the hell are these... GULP... GASP...
(Mr. Busy Businessman gets a heart attack and dies)

C: HEE HEE HEE, HOO HOO HOO, HAA HAA HAA......... Hmm...I am coming


By Ven. Sujiva.

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