Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wisdom- Dealing with the Negative Aspects of Life

Life is like climbing the Great Walls, ups & downs

  1. During these 70-80 years in this earth, we must learn to understand and manage this life well. When life comes and reaches to certain stage, there is always certain thing comes up or happens, it either leads to happiness or suffering.
  2. For instance, during your 4 years university life, you had encountered different situations, some good and some not so good. And you had passed through and also learned from them. Now, come to the early stage of your work & career life, thing will come on its way, sometimes make you happy, sometimes sad and worried.
  3. If you have wisdom, when emotion comes, it is no need for us to resist, worry and fight back, or filling with remorse and being angry to someone, you think he or she makes your life suffer. No! No one makes our lives suffer, this is the nature of life itself, it is like that, life is part of nature. When it happens, it happens, no one to be blamed! It is ONLY your emotion and reaction make you feel suffer and think negative to someone or situation.
  4. Be careful to emotion, it always leads us to do thing or say thing negatively! But emotion also makes you learn from it. Learn to respond to the circumstances rather than react. This is important to deal with life. Respond with wisdom.
  5. Try to UNDERSTAND your emotion when it comes to you, it is trying to tell you something. So learn the positive aspect from it and accept its coming to your life at that moment and appreciate it too! Don't reject it, rejection makes you more suffer. Rejection or suppression goes against its nature, due to not understanding the nature of life.
  6. Understand and learn from it, after that, calmly let go that emotion (not resist, react or worry) but live with it, as long as it lasts. Anyway, try not to be affected by it, or minimize its impact to your life. It can be done, if you put effort to understand the nature of emotion, and life in general.
  7. I know it is not easy, but can practice, understand and finally manage the emotion. What to do? Dealing with emotion is part and parcel of life. If we can wisely manage it, then we can live wisely and calmly, when going through ups and downs in our lives.
  8. Remember, the meaning of life is to let us learn its meaning by living WITH it. So live with it and learn from it. Be patient to observe your life, NOT to react when situation comes, whether good or bad, happy or not happy. This is the MOST profound wisdom that we should learn in life. With this wisdom you can lead a happy and calm life.
  9. I hope you can read this carefully, attentively for deeper understanding and finally you can learn the skill of managing your worry and emotional aspect of life.
  10. Be at peace with yourself. Thank you for sharing your life.


  1. thanks sharing..... that picture is 司马台长城 which is 中国长城之最。

  2. Yes, it is a beautiful and meaningful pix, but look at it from another perspective, is the reflection of vicissitude of life, like the terrain, ups & downs, doesn't we live life in this way, right? This is what I meant.

  3. 这张照片给我新的体会~ 从来没想过它好比人生--迂回曲折。
