Sunday, October 3, 2010

“I’m not sure who’s going first, whether she or me.”

Mrs Lee Kuan Yew, the wife of Singapore’s founding father, died today at 5.40 pm at age 89, the Straits Times reported.

In an unusually frank interview last month, Lee Kuan Yew said his wife’s illness was one of the hardest things for him to face.

“What to do? What else can I do?” he told the New York Times. “I can’t break down. Life has got to go on. I try to busy myself, but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.”

“She understands when I talk to her, which I do every night,” he added. “She keeps awake for me; I tell her about my day’s work, read her favourite poems.”

“I told her, ‘I would try and keep you company for as long as I can.’ That’s life. She understood.”

But he also said: “I’m not sure who’s going first, whether she or me.”

“I wanted someone my equal, not someone who was not really grown up and needed looking after. And I was not likely to find another girl who was my equal and shared my interests,” Lee wrote in the first volume of his memoirs, The Singapore Story.

Although I know little of his wife, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew always inspired me with his legacy for the extremely successful story of Singapore. With his integrity and profound worldly wisdom, he is one of the few people in the contemporary history that has gained my full respect and highest regard.


當面臨悲歡離合的無奈,李光耀也有感性的一面。六十二年的恩愛夫妻生活,人間稀有,深深感受,十分欽佩,令人感慨难忘。對他們人生的成就而言,也沒有甚麼好遺憾了,因為他已經有了全世界:才智,權力,名利,婚姻.... 如果有的話,我想李先生要的是永遠能继续和他太太這樣恩愛的生活下去......当然是不可能。

這使我想起Micheal Jason。也許那幾十年,他們擁有全世界,過的是富貴榮華,天堂似的生活,但面對生命的過程,卻是很無奈的,每个人都要經過生,老,病,死。在這一方面,大家平等。人生像在演戲,每個人都是主角,有獨特的角色。戲會演完的時候,脫下戲服,各自孤獨 '回家’。妳我的緣份,是好,是壞,就只存在這部戲的回憶裡。每部戲都有結束的时候,如果还有緣份的話,就在下一部戲再見吧!唉,人生就是戲,有时演的精彩,也有演的差的时候,不必太在乎,戲也是人生嘛!


得一日糧斋,且过一日,有几天缘分,便住几天。就是说明做一天和尚,撞一天钟,和尚去了,庙子空的洒脱境界。天下没有不散的宴會。人生何尝不是? 不管是亲情,爱情,婚姻,或生死,不管是9年或是89年,时间一到:

Game is over and goodbye my dear! 戲也演完了,親愛的再見............ 哦,還是不再見好!

Anicca, 无常也,這就是人生的真諦!