Monday, May 17, 2010

Journey to the Heaven...

Banyan Tree - Resort

My boss told me: 'Don't let your money stay in your bank account, and you are in the heaven!' (錢在銀行, 人在天堂)

Where is the Heaven? Oh... the heaven is in the earth; heaven for the peace of mind and heart! Let the body and soul immersed in this heavenly serenity. Here, the heaven right in the Banyan Tree...He is right! Don't wait, because heaven is HERE & NOW!

Give a try, let the nature pamper you, washing away your tiredness, refreshing your mind & body. And you will never forget!


  1. 哇~~干嘛我的照片会在这里?哈哈~~这是在bintan island 拍的~~ 很relax的地方。希望大家无论在哪里都能够得到身心的放松~~~
    ps:其中有两张照片是在inner mongolia拍的~~~有机会去那里感受一下草原的美丽吧~绝对让你忘却烦恼!!呵呵^^

  2. 現在, 再看這些照片, 最佳的, 最有意義的, 而又充份表現自然界之美,之大, 也給人一種自由自在的感覺, 應該是第一張吧! 太美了, 也很自然! 拿來做desktop pix...This is how photo should be taken in this way! I always enjoy good photos, study them over and over again... That why taking photo is my hobby, when travel and make my life happy... Hahaha
