Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Good-bye PC - My Ex Lover!

MacBook Pro, my new darling!

Goodbye PC, Hello Mac!

Over a few years, I had been contemplating to dump PC, and embrace to Mac. It was quite a difficult decision, considering I had been using PC even before Windows 95. Sometime between 93-94, Windows was still using the DOS based version of Windows 3.11. After all these years (18 years!), I was so used to it and quite familiar to its functions. It is not easy to dump a lover of 18 years, isn't it? After all I had been attached to her for so many years! Just could not live without her, when thinking of leaving her, I felt sad!

So the PC, she served me well, though sometimes threw her tempers. All these years I had to bear with her with so many problems. It was a love and hate relationship but still continue for 18 years! From the early stage of the infamous syndrome, the 'Blue Screen of Death', which simply hung the the computer, not talked to me, like getting angry and refused to work! She showed her emotional temperament! That was her style and habit to threaten me in this way. She created mental torturing for me! Then came the countless bugs and virus. She was so easy to get involved all sorts of diseases. I had to spend countless hours of repairing and formatting the PC - simply to make the relationship worked and made her happy again! It was not easy to maintain good relationship with her!

But everything has its day, nothing is permanent. May be the yuan (緣) with her, coming to the end, and time to say goodbye!
Although, a bit sad, and not willing to part with her, after all, it was a 18 years relationship! But life must go on...

I have heard and read so much about Mac of Apple, but I was not quite sure, and hesitated, whether to dump my old lover, PC, and simply jumped to the bed of Mac. Who knows, she might be another devil. This was the predicament that I was facing, on and off. But mind is capable of thinking out of the box. One day, I thought why not gave myself a chance to learn something new? Next moment, I was in one of the Stores of Apple...

That was first of September, 2009, the moment of changing of heart. From then onward, I never looked back again, to this old lover of 18 years, marking a new life began. Wholeheartedly, plunged into the Mac's world, another new relationship begins and develops, a new chapter too. One door closed, another door opened.

Involving with this new darling, Mac, was not all a smooth affair. In fact, it was up and down, like the old PC did to me. Sometimes, out of frustration, I almost felt like to throw her out of window from the 9th floor building! Initially, I was not familiar with her, and had to start all over again, to understand her , and learn from the basics. This was a very challenging and torturing task. After two weeks of trying, not much progress, still could not handle her. Because I was so used to the past habitual ways of dealing with PC, that I tried to use the same methods on this new found lover. Definitely, it won't work on this stubborn lady! She needs tenderness and soft approach. She is just another class of breed! Cool and aloof!

At that torturing period, I was so tired and getting mad! Soon, I regretted for dumping my previous PC! I started to miss my old lover, I even called up Apple Store that I wanted to return the goods! Forgot about the huge financial commitment that I had invested on it! They tried to comfort and advised me to be patient, and taught me some tricks and tips of how to handle this new machine. Sometimes I had to call up the Customer Service Center in Singapore for helps, which is part of the agreement and service.

With patience and steadfastness, I continued firmly, trial and error and learned meticulously. A couple of months later, things changed for better. Now I can confidently say, I won the heart of this stubborn darling! An elegant lady of its class!

One of the features of MacBook Pro I love so much is the Trackpad. This bigger than the usual pad, not only can handle more than the normal tasks that it is expected, it is also the place to write the Chinese characters. Just use one of the fingers to write, that is! It is so cool and easy! So convenient that I really fond of it. This is the reason why I started to write Chinese in my Blog! Thanks Mac!

Next feature is the Spotlight, it helps me to locate my file in seconds! No matter how many thousands of files you have in your external or internal disks, just type the initial few words or titles, then you get it instantly! It is cool, I really love you, Mac!

It seems that everywhere I travel, must bring her, and also working I need her. And even sleeping, she has to sing my favorite song; 'What a wonderful world' by Louis Armstrong. She replaced my iPod which I lost in India years ago. Her quality of sound is pretty good, clear and loud that making me sleep soundly. Only one thing I never use it for: to play the computer or internet games! In life, I still have a better choice to spend my time wisely, do something more wholesome, more meaningful, more inspiring than sitting there for hours, days after days, immersed myself inside the virtual world... Why waste time?

With this new found darling, time to let go the old lover, thanks PC, for your 18 years of love and service. What a wonderful world - with Mac.

Good-bye, my dear PC!

Lately there was some problems with my messengers software, I tried to upgrade the new Mac version for Yahoo & Microsoft Messengers. I found some of the contacts have lost, and no more display on my screen. May be some of you might have contacted me but could not get through. Please inform me, if you are one of them, thanks.

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