Saturday, October 31, 2009

Europe Trip-Part 2


啊,別忘了,這就是歐洲的意大利;熱情紛飛是他們的特色!百年的古香古色街道和古典式的教堂,與那開放,性感,手拿iPod,iPhone的現代化俊男美女,和這個千年古典城市混合在一起,也算是旅遊景點吧。而況也使這個城市增加活力,美感。所謂古今相會,也令人大開眼界!光是閒逛在街道上,就令人迷失在時光隧道中, 回到古代,但走在街道上又有現代美女相陪。哈,人生如夢, 還是夢如人生?



Wednesday, October 28, 2009



“當下”的意思是時時刻刻知道自己的起心動念。有可能吗? 我想在日常生活中只要能注意甚什念頭會影響身心,波動情緒,也算是活在当下了。 如果經常观注由心升起的念頭,的碓能減少很多不必要的煩惱所造成的情緒波動。那麼静观内心起伏的雜念又與情緒波動有何關係?


只要肯細心的觀看內心世界的起起伏伏,就會了解這顆心是多麽容易受到外界的影响。喜怒哀樂是心對外界的自然反應。活在當下能夠給我們看清楚喜怒哀樂如何影響曰常生活的情緒。當心按於當下時, 我們己經給自己機會去了解,觀看外界對內心起的反應,是如何影響情緒的波動。當我們活在當下時,可以體會到生活本來是很簡單的,心本來是平靜的。因為無法了解心的本質,內心才充滿無明。

所謂無明,是因為無法了解心靈的因果關係,妄念就跟隨而來,結果看不到心平靜的一面。而妄念卻造心亂,苦悶,不安,憂慮及各種各樣的煩惱,所以感受到生活很複雜,又痛苦。為了逃避眼前的煩惱,心常常排徊於過去和未來。 時時刻刻我們都在娛樂自己, 這就是最佳逃避現實所面對的憂慮,苦悶。久而久之,成了習慣。我們都不喜歡,也不習慣活在現在。因為活在當下,面對壓力,太多煩惱了。唯一的逃避就是做白曰夣,想未來或者活在過去。這樣我們能暫時逃避現實所面對的苦悶及痛苦。越是沈迷於未來和過去,越給它機會自造妄念,所以煩惱和憂慮也跟着而來。平靜的心也離我們越遠。


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The 'Natural State' is acausal; it just happens - UG

  1. Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for spiritual meaning has made a problem out of living.
  2. To be yourself requires extraordinary intelligence. You are blessed with that intelligence; nobody need give it to you; nobody can take it away from you. He who lets that express itself in its own way is a 'Natural Man'.
  3. You are not one thing and the life another. It is one unitary movement. Anything I say about it is misleading and confusing.
  4. We are using the neurons, our memory, constantly to maintain our identity. Whether you are awake or asleep or dreaming, this process is carried on. But it is wearing you out. That is why I say that the tragedy that is facing mankind is not Aids or cancer but Alzheimer's disease.
  5. The so called self-realization is the discovery for yourself and by yourself that there is no self to discover. That will be a very shocking thing because it’s going to blast every nerve, every cell, even the cells in the marrow of your bones.
  6. All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you, in the harmonious functioning of the body.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Europe Trip-Part 1




可惜,第一次上車就下錯站,結果多花了一個多小時,才找到事前預定的旅店,那時巳半夜了。其實下對車站的話,只要走一分鐘就到旅店。我住在Montmartre區,是巴黎出名的夜生活觀光區。如Monlin Rouge (Wind mill 的意思,看1st pix),是世界有名歌舞表演的Cabaret。午夜後,排排的歌舞艷女,出來召喚客人,跳can-can舞。這種舞也算是法國文化的特產吧,對當地人是見怪不怪。

“Can you speak English? Come inside..." 哇,在街頭拉客,好熱鬧呀!五光十色的夜景,艷舞,艷歌,花般的艷姿女郎,迷漫了這個不夜城。性愛用的奇形怪狀的玩具(sex toy),像賣孩子玩具那樣,到處可見,到處可買!真是色不迷人,人自迷。哦,巴黎真是個浪漫,開放,熱情的好地方!

住在Montmartre是很便利的區域,離開巴黎中心很近。從地鐵站到巴黎景點,如凱旋門,Effel Tower(巴黎鐵塔),都不到十分鍾的車程。從凱旋門走到巴黎鐵塔也很方便。在巴黎逛街,漫步,細心的觀察街景,停停走走,是一種樂趣。看來來往往的路人,到青翠的公園,看老Y打太極拳,練氣功,在Reine河道上散步,在凱旋門看一群的年輕人跳Hip Hop,哦,好逸樂,悠閒。喜歡名牌貨的女生,逛凱旋門就像在逛天堂!一排排的名牌店,任君選購。LV,就是其中的熱門店。很貴哦!別把信用卡刷爆了!

巴黎,久仰大名,果然名不虛傳,後會有期!何曰君再來?Coming soon...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have no message for mankind - UG

  1. The plain fact is that if you don't have a problem, you create one. If you don't have a problem you don't feel that you are living.
  2. Thought is something dead and can never touch anything living. It cannot capture life, contain it, and give expression to it. The moment it tries to touch life it is destroyed by the quality of life.
  3. The only way for any one who is interested in finding out what this is all about is to watch how this separation is occurring, how you are separating yourself from the things that are happening around you and inside you.
  4. That messy thing called 'mind' has created many destructive things. By far the most destructive of them all is God.
  5. Consciousness is so pure that whatever you are doing in the direction of purifying that consciousness is adding impurity to it.

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    本來無一物 何處惹麈埃 - 惠能









    Can You Control Life?

    Can life be controlled? Sometimes yes. But observe deeper, life is a game of conditioning, it is merely a chain of mental reactions. We call it destiny or the natural flow of life.

    Remember that we are our emotions, our thoughts that activate our physical sensations. These sensations or mood dictate our actions. That is what we call life. We cannot separate our life from our physical sensations. Most of the time we live life with either good or bad mood. We follow and dance with the tune of emotions, sometimes up, sometimes down. Sometimes is happy, most of the time is sad and depressed. We attach to good mood, get away with bad mood, all the time.

    Until one day, through close observation inwardly, we realize that these sensations, emotions, and thoughts, there are the natural 'by products' or reactions of this mind and body. Just like a machine, it works by itself. No one in control. It has its own life. And it is not you.

    If we play a role of an observer, without interfering, then the mental process goes its own natural way, like river or waterfall flows naturally. If we try to interfere, that means the interruption creates energy, change the natural flow process. Therefore, it affects the natural peace, and creates ripple for mind and body.

    By this understanding, then we less and less involve or attach to our own emotion when it arises. We realize that all these emotions and thoughts are parts of the mental system, and that is how this mind and body works. Because by attaching or rejecting to our emotion or mood, is the main factor that prevents peace and happiness from arising.

    Without this understanding we blindly follow our emotions that create a lot of suffering, to ourselves and to others. Until one fine day, we may ask ourselves, why let these 'by products' affect our life? Why let our emotions dictate our well being and happiness? Why not just be an observer, simply watching the mental movie, without involvement?

    Until this day, we realize that peace and happiness is always there when we are not looking for it. It is not a matter of outside or inside, within or without, but once we look or search for it, we will never find it.