Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The 'Natural State' is acausal; it just happens - UG

  1. Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for spiritual meaning has made a problem out of living.
  2. To be yourself requires extraordinary intelligence. You are blessed with that intelligence; nobody need give it to you; nobody can take it away from you. He who lets that express itself in its own way is a 'Natural Man'.
  3. You are not one thing and the life another. It is one unitary movement. Anything I say about it is misleading and confusing.
  4. We are using the neurons, our memory, constantly to maintain our identity. Whether you are awake or asleep or dreaming, this process is carried on. But it is wearing you out. That is why I say that the tragedy that is facing mankind is not Aids or cancer but Alzheimer's disease.
  5. The so called self-realization is the discovery for yourself and by yourself that there is no self to discover. That will be a very shocking thing because it’s going to blast every nerve, every cell, even the cells in the marrow of your bones.
  6. All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you, in the harmonious functioning of the body.

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