Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome To 2016 ...

The most inspired and enlightened New Year message:

You cannot suffer the past or future because they do not exist. 

What you are suffering is your memory and your imagination.

You exist Now, or Never!


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  3. It is recommended to watch this video with headphones at 50-75% volume to hear the full range of environmental sounds.
    Some days Donetsk Oblast's destroyed town of Pisky is completely silent, bryce wilson drjft
    devoid of the sounds from of an ongoing war less than 400 meters away.
    Birds sing songs, abandoned dogs bark while they look for food, and wind blows through destroyed schools and apartments. The Sounds of War aren't always guns and explosions.
    This video is dedicated to Sergey, a Ukrainian soldier killed in the Pisky area in December, 2015.
