Friday, October 10, 2014

Three Months Retreat at Kyunpin Meditation Center

Kyunpin Meditation Center 

As planned this year, to have a long retreat in some where ... yet, don't know where, until last month, in September, the mind said, "Ok, go that place!" ...  It is the first time having retreat at this center, Kyunpin,  in Mandalay, athough in 2005, had one also in Yangon, Burma. It is almost 10 years ago. Time flies, waits for no man! Better make best use of it.

Retreat schedule: 10 Oct 2014 to 6 Jan 2015. Just a plan anyway (as proposed by man), who knows, might be shorter, or another extension of 3 months; just like what had been happened in 2005, ended up six months there. So, you will never know! That is the good part of life, always mysterious and exciting too, what important is: 

Whatever will happen, it happens, Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, and enjoy the process ...

Some photos from the Internet, show the place, a very lovely, quiet, and scenic place. It is at a very remote area of Burma. Just imagine: 12 hours over night bus ride from Yangon to Mandalay, then another 5 hours of boat ride, from Mandalay to reach the center! Wow, that's good chance to explore and have some experience in this part of world. 

A strong intuition, the mind will have a good time there, let it go deep and dive into the Source ... for good! Again, Que Sera, Sera ... just to enjoy Life! Haha ...

And also enjoy the song attached here: the evergreen song, Que Sera Sera, one of my favourite songs.

Wish the world and all of you, well and happy
And having a very fruitful year - 2015!
Happy New Year - in advance! 


  1. Sounds lovely. How can I contact them. I did not find any email address in the internet.

    1. is the email.

  2. For more information, please visit Foreigners who are interested in having a short retreat for at least 7 days need to apply and get an approval before arrival. Please send an email to or call +959798730175.
