Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bersih 3.0 - Today, A True Malaysian Day ...

The fate of this Nation, is in the hands of Malaysian People, and depends on us! Time to take action and show our concern and care for this Nation. Today we marched and protested, for the change, for the better of Malaysia's future. First of all, we need a fair and clean election, this is what the Malay's word, Bersih meant. Since last year, July, we marched for Bersih 2, and today, we came out to the street again, for Bersih 3.

We witnessed at least 200,000 protestors marching, with all races, young and old, men and ladies under the hot sun,  in various locations of KL, just for one common cause: We care, and love this country! Stop all those racial and corrupted politicians to further destroying this country! 

Today, 28 April 2012, a very special and historical day, awakening day for all Malaysian! This is the only moment we called ourselves, Truly Malaysian


  The March started from Bukit Jalil LRT Station...11:30am

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