Friday, March 30, 2012

Embrace the Nature as the One ...

After staying a couple of days in Milan, then leaving for Piacenza. It took about an hour of driving from Milan to reach Piacenza, a town in the northern part of Italy.

Then from Piacenza, heading to Pian die Cilegi, the meditation center, where Bhante Sujiva is the spiritual guide since 1998. The center located at a small village nearby snowy mountains, which is about 30 minutes drive from town Piacenza. The whole journey, I witnessed the heavy falling of snow. Reaching the center, seeing the uphill road covered with thick snow, it was inaccessible by car, so we walked and climbed up a short distance to the center, while the heavy snowing kept falling. Snow kept falling on my head, kept falling on my head. The white snow, a sense of purification, a moment of union with the Nature! To me, it is a sign of welcome, haha, as I have never seen such a magnificent view in my life! Breathtakingly beautiful!

While staying in the center, I took the opportunity to explore this scenic place, indulged myself with this snow capped mountains, enjoyed the magnificent view of nature. How amazing it was! This is also the crucial moment in my life .... To summarize how I felt for this trip:

Flee the world to find the One
Embrace the Nature as the One

Sometimes, the inner urge wants to disengage myself from this busy world, to find something, but that 'something' is already deep inside my heart. Yes, the nature helps to realize that:

Actually the One is already here, it is nothing special; just live life with ordinariness, embrace the Nature, accept wholeheartedly what is happening at this moment. Isn't it very simple?

見山又是山, so the mountain remains the mountain. The union of 'wisdom and compassion', that can be manifested in the daily and ordinary life. From the ordinariness, we see the Greatness. That is life, just living .... 平凡就是幸福, 不是嗎?

Walked the path to the center, also the Path to the One?
Pian dei Cilegi, the meditation center where
Bhante Sujiva is the spiritual guide since 1998
Flee the world, find the One
Embrace the Nature as the One

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