Friday, March 16, 2012

Isola San Giulio, Italy

Image 01-by Keriositas, thanks

Isola San Giulio, is an island, has been transformed into a Benedictine Monastery for Christian Nuns to stay since 1976. The small island with area of 275m by 140m, full of picturesque buildings, the landscape is poetic and full of mysteries. Walked around, felt that the island itself is an antique.

Less than 10 minutes of boat ride from the little town of Orta to reach this island which is famous for stories of Saints, legends of dragons, arts and an air of peace over entire island.

San Giulio was born in the late 4th century AD, a legendary priest, built his 100th basilica (old fashioned church) at Island San Giulio. He reached the town of Orta at his old age, looked over to the Island of San Giulio, determined to build his last church and asked to bury him here. According to the legend, he was refused by the boatman to ferry him to the island. But this did not deter him, the saint spread his cloak (thick wool coat) on the water and walked toward the island. Dragons and snakes were infested in the island, with his magical power of words, the saint had not problem to tame them, and finally completed his 100th church in the island.

With its gorgeous view, fascinating legends, artworks and history, this island is one of the Top 10 Secret Sights in Italy!

From the little town of Orta, looking over to the Island
of San Giulio.
Taking a boat ride heading to the Island instead of using
cloak as St. Giulio did, as speed boat is more powerful
than his cloak, hahaha ....
Image 02-by Sujiva, thanks
Island of San Giulio, situated on Lake Orta, with length
275m by 140m wide. There is no dragon and snake but
only spiritual nuns practicing silent contemplation.
This is an unbelievable beautiful island and has
a lot interesting stories about St. Giulio.
Sujiva & Massimo
The Lake Orta, filled with air of silence and peace.
No wonder, the nuns practicing, Path of Silence.
Walked on street of the town Orta, seeing some
charming little shops, scatter around here & there.
A tiny shop specialized in selling local
cheese in the town of Orta.
Snow covering roofs, as the weather was cold,
with -12 degree C ...
One of the Chapels in the St. Giulio Island
Look grand with unique sculpture and artworks
A beautiful Christian artwork, is common
to see in the chapels.
The art works in the chapel, tracing back to a number
of centuries. Some Italian couples choosing this
fairy tale island to be the scene of their wedding.
A painting on this ancient wall? Looked special!
Gorgeous view of St. Giulio island, is a Joy Bringer ...
Oh ... Joy, Joy & Joy!
Walking out from the chapel, with arc facing the Orta lake
Bishops - Preserved bodies lying in the coffins
Image 03-by Sujiva, thanks
Back to the memory of ancient days. Walking
on the back lanes paved with cobblestones, felt like
walking during the ancient times. All these back lanes
looked unique and felt joyous and peaceful.
Relaxed and walked with Joy ...
A fine Italian restaurant on the island. Over
the window surrounded by the beautiful lake.
Enjoyed the fine Italian cuisine with Joy.
Here, the Island of San Giulio, far view is the town of Orta.
A wonderful trip, interesting walks, witnessed the
amazing history, with surprises around every corner.
Plus great scenery and enjoyed fine, original Italian food.
Isola San Giulio has so much to offer! A Joy bringer!

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