Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

The Ego is an exquisite instrument. Enjoy it, use it -

 just don't get lost in it.

Ram Dass

Even if you get lost in it, that's one way to learn all 

about it.


The truth is, the more attentive we are, the less we screw up, the more clearly we come to know ourselves, the more at peace we are, and the better able we are to live the kind of life we want to live.

Reactive emotional states always begin with a single impulse - of fear, anger, jealousy, lust, etc. If we are attentive enough to see the impulse when it first arises, it is possible to avoid going down the path of events that result in a state of fear, anger, jealousy, lust, etc. It is simple - at least in principle. Ken Wilber

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” – Mother Teresa, Charity Worker

「世人對愛及認同的渴望,超過對食物的飢渴。」– 德蕾莎修女

It is not feelings, it is the awareness of feelings. And that awareness itself is free of feelings and free of thoughts. And allows both feelings and thoughts to float by, just as clouds float by in the emptiness of the sky. Ken Wilber

感言 : 

好好的愛身邊的人,在工作與專業上努力取得別人的認同 。你所能獲得滋養心靈的滿足,遠遠超過購買奢侈品的虛榮。



看著身邊的親人或朋友的笑容 ,不由自主的跟著快樂起來。同時得到愛與認同的感覺,就是我們所追求的快樂吧。

摘錄: 閱讀


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Just Another Date ...

Just another date for Mayan calendar. The Maya actually never predicted the end of the world. 
It is people incorrectly interpreted it. 

So the Mayan apocalypse fiasco have come and gone, and life goes as usual ....

摘 錄: 鄭 丁 賢 _ 末 日 後 語 (部 分)







Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World ....

Song: The End of the World, of 60s, interesting listen to this
on eve of 21 Dec 2012, haha...

把每一天當成最後一天,活得更有意義 - 蘋果先生

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t trap by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. 

-Steve Jobs


Movie: 2012. World destroyed by water ... 

Movie: Knowing. World destroyed by fire ...

Quotes from Steve Jobs

  1. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered... to help me make the big choices in life.
  2. If today were the last day of my life, what would I want to do? I know I need to change something.
  3. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me, going to bed at night saying we have done something wonderful, that's matters to me.
  4. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
  5. I think different religions, are different doors to the same house. Sometimes I think the house exists, and sometimes I don’t. It’s the great mystery.
  6. If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there's room to hear more subtle things - that's when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present moment. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before. It's a discipline; you have to practice it.

時間不多, 珍惜一切, 活在現在, 再給生命一次機會, 重新啓動....祝大家末日快樂 ... 

Relax and allow life to unfold
Trust me, the sun will come out tomorrow

'末日' 後的明天,明媚的陽光從外面斜斜射入, 
一样發光,   照耀大地,  充滿生命 .....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Welcome Death, Thank you, Life

Forever a Foreigner

Forever a foreigner
No longer a stranger
Forever  traveling
Only sometimes a tourist
But when I remember that this is Samsara
Then I am alright
I have a purpose
And life just flows by

Still falling in love
Now subtler than before
Still cultivating insight
Now more detached than before
But when I know that all this will end
And when death arrives
Then I can say
Welcome Death
Thank you, Life!

What You Have and Have Not

Give me a dime,                                       I have a dime,
Begs the poor,                                          Claims the rich man.
Give me a minute,                                    I have time,
Requests the busy business man,             Rejoices the carefree.
Give me love,                                           I have love,
Sighs the love lost,                                   Sings the compassionate,
All these are emptiness,                           All these are emptiness,
Reflects the wise.                                     Realises the wise.

All   Roads

When you are young, 
All roads lead to Rome
Power, beauty, wealth, glory.

When you are old,
All roads leads to cemetery.
Old age, decay, sickness, death.

When you are mindful,
All roads lead to Nibbana
Peace, safety, Wisdom and eternal rest.


Something from the past,
Dwelling in the present,
wandering into the future,
Knowing only change,
Never keeping, only letting go,
Singing and dancing all the way.

Above poems, from a Collection of Poems "Catch Me", by Sujiva. 
Quoted some interesting and meaningful poems, which have shaken my heart, and created a deep and profound resonance.  I would like to share to all of you. Thank you, Ven. Sujiva.

Friday, August 31, 2012

So Near and Yet So Far - KL

住了这个国家,大半辈子,住吉隆坡也二十来年,却没有慢下脚步,拜访它,问候它... 记得,香港作家,馬家輝,每一兩年,他都喜欢到茨廠街,走访,像見到老朋友那样的親切!听说,茨廠街要被拆迁了,他老远從香港来这里寫文章,為我們打抱不平呢!慚愧,常坐了十多小时的飞机,到国外大城市, 小市镇去,近在眼前的,却看不到....好吧,就潇酒走一回,拍些照片,也算做歴史見証,哈哈 .... 

以前常避开人多,杂亂的地方;其实杂亂或平静,还不是心在做怪?心量大,能拥萬物;天掉下来,可當被盖。还是接受當下缘起,或已经產生的事,然后以平常心去面对,或处理... 这样也可以培养心量度,它越大,心越开,越自在,增喜悦。不要小看它,这也是一个殊胜的境界哟! 


Living in KL for about twenty years, hardly take few hours of mindful walking around Petaling Street, this so called Malaysia's 'China Street' (中华街), historical place, where early batch of Chinese from China, started their business life here. Taking for granted for so many years, until today, 31 Aug 2012... 

Why not enjoy taking some good photos, strolling and leisure walk around, after all, today weather was nice, cloudy, windy and even sunshine was blissful.... You know, things will change every moment, who knows, one of these days, this historical place will be dismantled for new development with modern buildings? Anything can happen ... Nothing is permanent! Right?

My motto: If you have a plan in mind, Just Do It ... Or one day you will regret! Oh! Beautiful day, joyous and blissful, thank you, my God!

Just around the corner, another world,   不远处.... 另一天地....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Imagine ... When there is no heaven, No religion too

By John Lennon


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will live as one

John Lennon, in Imagine: to seek and advance his vision of Peace of World.
Music is the Power, Power of the people, bridge across cultural and borderless.
Music touches lives of people, and learn how to love and live.....
Video clip from Youtube....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

心門開 空相應 ...








如果不了解,體會大自然界的實相,運作,和空的特性:而只限於身心, 五陰或禪定,下工夫去了悟這穿流不息的法流,那麼就有很多苦果可受, 永遠苦不完。就像一湯匙鹽巴,放進一小杯子里, 咸澀可想而知。同樣地,細觀無常法流,只限制在身心:那麼,苦果,苦受,就在那區區的身心裡穿流,就有你受呢。像細水長流,一陣陣的苦果,順緣起而來,在怎麼修;苦,還是永無休止。

不要忘記,除身心外,還有空。身   心   空,本一體。一旦體悟這點,就能切入空,而相應。此刻,無常法流,由身心,再擴大到虛空,法界去,也就是散播在廣闊的大自然界,溶入空!一切來自於空,又回歸於空。


修行過程,邁向解脫道時,冤家債主, 會跟隨因緣,找尋你。欠人的,還是要付出應有的代價,雙倍歸還。天下沒有白吃的午餐。他/她找到了你,那也好: 這一世的因緣,就在這一世結算吧。


懺悔 ...... 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

青山原不動 浮雲任去來 ...

饒宗頤, 九十五歲:值得敬佩的漢學家,書法家 ....

背景- 寒冷的瑞士山丘, 迷人的冬天 ... 

"生命很好玩,也很可悲,因為沒有辦法重來。你有的就是你有的,你做的就是你做的,你是怎樣的人,什麼樣的性格,什麼樣的文化背景,就有怎樣的選擇,怎樣的結果,不論好壞,都是自己的選擇。" - 馬家輝

也不必給自己太多的假想,也沒有太多的期許:不會去想我必須做什麼事情,必須有什麼計劃,步驟。反正就是:隨緣,隨性,也任性。要去那裡,就去,能做些什麼,就做。人生短暫, 為什麼給自己這麼多限制,No Boundary!

還好,到目前還能一直很奢侈地享受這份運氣,也許有一天運氣用完了,才打算吧。 在這發生之前,還是繼續享受我的運氣吧。有時, 生命也很無奈 ....

26 06 12
Wind Smiles

Monday, June 11, 2012

空海談 迷信 信仰 智慧 04 - 05

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5



空海: 過去已經發生的,不可能改變。能够改变的,只有從現在開始。能夠掌握的只有現在。清醒明覺的活在當下,改變當下的因緣,才能改變命運。

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

窗內和窗外 ...


在窗外,是活在現象界的世界里,經歷的是日常生活的起心動念,那是自我的世界,它是主角,它習氣地自我保護,都被“我”,“我的”,“我要”,“我能”,忙的團團轉,是活在二元對立的世界, 往兩邊抓,有得必有失, 有樂必有苦 ... 

Church at Casale 

也許,是一般人活在這世上的心態吧。他們的人生就圍繞,執著這些念頭,欲望,有時快樂,也有悲傷。這裡也是修行者練功夫的地方,很多禪師, 宗教師都指示學生,要有正念,要勤勞看這身心的變化,要淨化這顆心,就是在“窗外”下功夫。

多年後, 生活品質並沒多少改變, 反而覺得苦海還是看不到邊。


Top of far view, the Alp of Switzerland 


Painting on the wall of chapel


One of the chapels, we reached ... very near to the top 

這時候,有一种回到家,那种扎實的感覺 ... 原來家就在這裡!

I am coming Home.
On this special day, may I wish all beings be well and happy ...
With Joy ... may you be liberated and free from suffering ...

0606 2012

Photo taken at Casale Town, Italy. 

Country side of Casale, located a famous historical site, where 10 small chapels, with European architectural built, fine art of Roman paintings on wall of each chapel, depicted the history of Christianity. There is a distance from chapel to chapel of about 50-100 m of walking path, from foot hill to the top, the last chapel, of 10th, about 40 minutes to reach. While walking, enjoy the far view of Alp of Switzerland, on the borderline of Italy. Breathtaking scenery!