Friday, September 25, 2009

Good and Bad Situation

Learn to appreciate life is the most difficult thing to do, especially when facing difficult situation. But with patience and quiet mind, if one can go deeper to understand this mind and body, how it works, what it means and how it connects to life, then we find that there is no good or bad situation.

All situations, whether we like it or not, they are parts of life. If we escape or avoid so called bad situation, is to escape from life, then we are delaying to learn from it. We will never learn the lesson as life pass by.

To appreciate bad situation, is to learn how to live life as what it is. It needs wisdom to realize that we can actually learn from bad situation. By going beyond the situation, whether bad or good situation, then peace arises. Because good or bad, is our own creation, and we attach to it, that is the source of suffering.

It is our natural instinct to look at life in 'black or white' pattern. We like good thing, push away, or get angry with bad thing. In fact, life is not always rosy, but most of the time we face difficult situation. It is not easy to look at thing as what is it, or beyond good and bad. It is wise to live life as what it happens at that particular situation, whether it is bad or good. Gracefully accept thing that we cannot change. At the meantimes, try to learn from situation to situation. All situations make up our life. Wisdom only arises, when we prepare to learn and accept the vicissitudes of life.

Only difficult life makes us more mature and wise to deal with life itself. Wisdom do not arise when we escape the hardship of life and attach to so called good things. When we face negative aspect of life with courage, and not blame life or other people, that is the time we are creating the space for peace and calmness. That is moment we really live our life and understand it.

Whatever thing happens, it happens. It does not matter good or bad thing, but with what mentality and how we face it, that is important, that is wisdom.

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