Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What do I have in this world?

Not my body, not my mind, not my personality ...
Being nobody, being nothing personal.
Then what am I? Who am I?
BEING -- the only thing I have.

Being what I am NOW and only this instance is what I have.
Intuitively feel It ... but cannot describe It.
It has nothing to do with this world, this life.
The body, the world comes and goes, but It remains ...

It -- is what I am, or simply BEING, pure awareness.
As what Jesus said: I am what I am.
Not I am this or that. Nothing to do with the personal I.
I am, is always there, no need effort to look for It.
No need spiritual practice to acquire It.

If you discover It, you are home. Seeking stops.
A sense of eternity, peace, contentment is what its nature.
This nature is I am, the primordial Self. Beingness.
Our true nature, It has no name and It never leaves you.

Only when you start to think I am this, I am that
Your delusional mind will lead you astray and cheat you.
The sun is always there, only the dark cloud covers it up.
The mind is like the dark cloud, it covers up your true nature.

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