Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Know Thyself Is To Hold the Attention On Itself

The ego exists say the scriptures due to non-inquiry. This non-inquiry is sustained and strengthened by ignorance. Consciousness is pure attention alone. 

When the attention is held unmoved, there is no place for ego or non-attention. To hold the attention on itself, to dissolve or transform non-attention into total attention, total consciousness, the quest, "Who Am I?" is the vital process. 

To turn one's attention on oneself is the essence of true knowledge.

Such self attention is the key to open the mystery gates of the immeasurable treasure, knowing the knower. The knower known there is none else, nothing else to be known. 

To turn one's attention from the details or activities to the source of activity is called introspection. This turning inward is the beginning of spiritual effort called sadhana. 

To remain as pure consciousness is the secret in meaning of "Know Thyself."

From Robert Adams Talk -- Beliefs And Predetermination

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