Sunday, February 10, 2013

Essential Spirituality

Despite our pleasant materialistic surroundings, many people today experience dissatisfaction, fear, anxiety, and a sense of insecurity. What we seem to be missing is a proper sense of human spirituality --- The Dalai Lama

Below are some quotes from the book; Essential Spirituality, the author, Roger Walsh, beautifully articulates the benefits of spiritual living and its practices. 

  • Religion and Spirituality - Religion, mostly implies a concern with the sacred and supreme values of life. On the other hand, spirituality, refers to direct experience of the sacred, which is most central and essential to our lives. Spiritual practices are those help us experience the sacred - through meditation and contemplation. 

  • Psychological and Spiritual Benefits - The ultimate aim of spiritual practices is awakening; that is to know our true Self and our relationship to the sacred. As we progress along the path. with deep and profound understanding of true Self, we discover our relationship with the sacred world of universe,  Gradually, the heart begins to open, fear and anger melt, greed and jealousy dwindle, happiness and joy grow, love flowers, peace replaces agitation, concern for others blossoms, wisdom matures, and both psychological and physical health improve. Virtually all aspects of our lives are touched and transformed in some way.

  • Physical Benefits - Spiritual practices can reduce stress, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. They may help alleviate insomnia, muscle spasms, and diseases ranging from migraine to chronic pain. They even reduce the effects of aging and lengthen the life span.

  • The Greatest of All Discoveries - Over time, spiritual practices work their transformative wonders on our hearts, minds, and lives. As the heart opens and mind clears, we see further and further into the boundless depths of the mind. There within ourselves, we finally find the most profound, the most meaningful, and the most important discovery any human being can make. 

  • The Secret of all Secrets - Within ourselves we find our deepest self, our true Self, and recognize that we are not only more than we imagined but more than we can imagine. We see that we are a creation of the sacred, intimately and eternally linked to the  sacred, and forever graced and embraced by the sacred. This is the greatest of all discoveries, the secret of all secrets, the priceless gift for mankind from great ancient contemplative religions.

  • The Central Message - The words differ from one tradition to another, but their central message is the same: You are more than you think! Look deep within, and you will find that your ego is only a tiny wave atop the vast ocean that is your real Self. Look within, and at the center of your mind, in the depths of your soul, you will find your true Self, that you are intimately linked to the universe of the sacred. There, you share its unbounded bliss.

Today is Chinese New Year, also the Year of the Snake.  We hope, will finally bring peace, justice and freedom to all Malaysians. Happy New Year.

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