Wednesday, June 6, 2012

空海談 迷信 信仰 智慧 01 - 03

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

空海講經: 精髓簡要, 法在人間, 點破人生問題
摘錄: 空海-阿含解脫道次第, 第一章, 概論
邁向究竟解脫道上, 找尋人生真理, 體証宇宙實相..... 

自利利他, 共勉之... 
6 June 2012
From My YouTube Dhamma Broadcasting Channel:   GCC11100

We learn how to love the Nature just the way it is. We learn how to see it as the beauty of God’s law made manifest. We learn how to take Joy in the moment. We learn how to accept the responsibility that we are all one consciousness in many bodies; We are one world, we are Nature, we are one family.         Metta  ♥  Wind

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