Tuesday, June 26, 2012

青山原不動 浮雲任去來 ...

饒宗頤, 九十五歲:值得敬佩的漢學家,書法家 ....

背景- 寒冷的瑞士山丘, 迷人的冬天 ... 

"生命很好玩,也很可悲,因為沒有辦法重來。你有的就是你有的,你做的就是你做的,你是怎樣的人,什麼樣的性格,什麼樣的文化背景,就有怎樣的選擇,怎樣的結果,不論好壞,都是自己的選擇。" - 馬家輝

也不必給自己太多的假想,也沒有太多的期許:不會去想我必須做什麼事情,必須有什麼計劃,步驟。反正就是:隨緣,隨性,也任性。要去那裡,就去,能做些什麼,就做。人生短暫, 為什麼給自己這麼多限制,No Boundary!

還好,到目前還能一直很奢侈地享受這份運氣,也許有一天運氣用完了,才打算吧。 在這發生之前,還是繼續享受我的運氣吧。有時, 生命也很無奈 ....

26 06 12
Wind Smiles

Monday, June 11, 2012

空海談 迷信 信仰 智慧 04 - 05

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5



空海: 過去已經發生的,不可能改變。能够改变的,只有從現在開始。能夠掌握的只有現在。清醒明覺的活在當下,改變當下的因緣,才能改變命運。

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

窗內和窗外 ...


在窗外,是活在現象界的世界里,經歷的是日常生活的起心動念,那是自我的世界,它是主角,它習氣地自我保護,都被“我”,“我的”,“我要”,“我能”,忙的團團轉,是活在二元對立的世界, 往兩邊抓,有得必有失, 有樂必有苦 ... 

Church at Casale 

也許,是一般人活在這世上的心態吧。他們的人生就圍繞,執著這些念頭,欲望,有時快樂,也有悲傷。這裡也是修行者練功夫的地方,很多禪師, 宗教師都指示學生,要有正念,要勤勞看這身心的變化,要淨化這顆心,就是在“窗外”下功夫。

多年後, 生活品質並沒多少改變, 反而覺得苦海還是看不到邊。


Top of far view, the Alp of Switzerland 


Painting on the wall of chapel


One of the chapels, we reached ... very near to the top 

這時候,有一种回到家,那种扎實的感覺 ... 原來家就在這裡!

I am coming Home.
On this special day, may I wish all beings be well and happy ...
With Joy ... may you be liberated and free from suffering ...

0606 2012

Photo taken at Casale Town, Italy. 

Country side of Casale, located a famous historical site, where 10 small chapels, with European architectural built, fine art of Roman paintings on wall of each chapel, depicted the history of Christianity. There is a distance from chapel to chapel of about 50-100 m of walking path, from foot hill to the top, the last chapel, of 10th, about 40 minutes to reach. While walking, enjoy the far view of Alp of Switzerland, on the borderline of Italy. Breathtaking scenery! 

空海談 迷信 信仰 智慧 01 - 03

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

空海講經: 精髓簡要, 法在人間, 點破人生問題
摘錄: 空海-阿含解脫道次第, 第一章, 概論
邁向究竟解脫道上, 找尋人生真理, 體証宇宙實相..... 

自利利他, 共勉之... 
6 June 2012
From My YouTube Dhamma Broadcasting Channel:   GCC11100

We learn how to love the Nature just the way it is. We learn how to see it as the beauty of God’s law made manifest. We learn how to take Joy in the moment. We learn how to accept the responsibility that we are all one consciousness in many bodies; We are one world, we are Nature, we are one family.         Metta  ♥  Wind

Friday, June 1, 2012


Poem, written by Sujiva ....

When Mr.Wind met with Mr.Breeze.
Mr.Breeze asked: How was your trip from Malaysia to Europe?
Mr. Wind replied: It was boring flight over here, I was almost always half asleep.
Mr Breeze:   Didn't you notice how interesting the Himalayas was?

Mr. Wind:   No I didn't notice them. I was just passing them by in the dark. How about you? What have you been up to here?

Mr.Breeze:  O, as usual. I have been roaming around singing and stirring up some leaves here  and there, making some fall, including fruits. Making some waves in the Mediterranean Sea.

Mr.Wind:    Did you see any big fishes and strange creatures?
Mr.Breeze:   Just a couple, and they are quite nice.
There are lots of Hobbits in Czech republic, Ogres in German, Werewolves and Vampires in Italy and Abominable Snow men and Abominable Snow women in Switzerland.

Since you are here, let's meditate a little.
At the home of Frank Frost and Briggitte Ice,
And then we can move around and blow up some snow and dust.

Mr. Wind:    I am not sure if I will become frozen as well. It is  a cold winter here.
Mr.Breeze:  Good Lord, You already look like  Grandmother Wind moving around so slowly wrapped up with blankets.
Blow wind blow, Breeze whirls around. 
A whine, a scream, a howl,
Or a sad sweet song.
Nets may catch birds,
But we just pass through them.
Walls may stop cows,
We'll just leap over them.

We can even topple trees
Cause Tornadoes, capsize ships,
Sand storms that bury camels metres deep,
For fun we Bang windows, slam doors
Dry napkins, blow off hats.

Tumble weeds love us, as do winged seeds.
Sail boats depend on us, as do wind mills,
Kites adore us , birds are our close pals.

With no strings attached, we travel around the world freely,
Loving Nature, among Nature,

We all are in fact, Nature, in the form of Man.

Photo taken at Bern, Switzerland.