Friday, January 6, 2017

God Is Now

In practice the witness is always here to stay, and to witness all the mental activities. By this way, you realize that the witnessed is outside you, therefore not you. The clinging to the witnessed is what made you deluded to think you are the witnessed. Once remove the veil of this delusion; the trinities of witness, witnessing and witnessed become one — only witnessing left, that’s the only reality, oneness. So the presence of witness means
you are aware of your mental activities, also being aware of yourself in the present moment.

And its absence indicates you either engross to your thoughts (the ego leads you unconsciously) or when you are in deep sleep. (the ego temporary subsided or suspended)

The witness, or more appropriately, the I amness, or the sense of presence, which is the reflected light of the pure consciousness which pervades the whole universe and exists since time immemorial. The witness or the I amness, which associated with the body is obscured by the ego due to the preoccupied mental thoughts. Once the mind is not involved with its own mental activities, the witness is emerged. Like the cloud drifts away and the sunlight shines. The witness is readily present here and now all the time. The God is within you, it is now! It is always with you! You can tune into it if you want. But people are busily preoccupied with their thoughts, and pay no attention to it.

The pure consciousness or the Tao, the Source, the ultimate Truth, the impersonal God, or whatever you can call it, is pervading everywhere, it envelops our whole bodies and minds in and out, yet due to its extreme subtlety and ordinariness, it is also hard to recognize its presence. For any spiritual practice to be effective, it is essential
to notice its presence.

The here and now, the sense of presence, the witness, is pointing to the Source, to our true nature. Therefore, it is the heart of practice, the very essential centre to start first with the investigation of the mind. The practice must be evolved around the witness, the I am, and gradually, the pure consciousness will expand and grow indefinitely, until a sense of detachment of body and mind is felt.
The witness or the I am, is the gate-less gate, the door-less door for opening up our spiritual heart. That’s the self realization, that will liberate us from the torment and tyranny of the ego.

As a child growing, so the emergence of the ego. Once the ego takes over and controls the body, it clings to the body as mine, and is fascinated and engrossed with the outside world, hence the attention goes outwardly to look for excitements. That’s why all the time, the witness or the pure consciousness is left unnoticed. As the result, it seems to be our only tool in life is the ego or the mind. By this perception, we miss out the reality of life. Therefore our life is limited and constrained.
Although the witness is there all the time, the ego is being busy with its thoughts, ideas, feelings, and worldly pleasures, that it loses in touch with its creator—the pure consciousness. As originally,
the Father and the son are one. Now, the ego becomes the lost soul, as the son that is separated from its Father.

The ego is left alone and to dominate our life, that’s the beginning of delusion, and results in suffering simply because of separateness from the pure consciousness, the pure soul. To go home, or to its Source is simple. You know, you are the pure consciousness, it is always here and now, never leave you. All you have  to do is to get
your mind silent, let the ego and its thoughts subside. That is!

Then, the witness emerged, like the morning sun rises after the night of darkness. Allowing the pure consciousness embraces your whole being once your ego is subdued and subsided. That’s the emergence of your true nature. God says:
surrender or give me your ego, I will give back your true self.

This is a barter trade with God. That’s the deal!
End of the day, it is the application of the reality that matters. No matter how much we talk, we still have to come back to apply what we learned. The ego and the body has its destiny and karma, that’s the reason it is born for. You can’t stop the flow of waterfall from falling down, similarly, the script of your life which is unfolding beyond your control. The reality already reveals:
the mind-body process is always going unceasingly, unless you are able to split it out, become the witness and the witnessed. And act as the witness.

That’s no way out when you cling to your mind and body. Until the witness is emerged, then you are able to be free from its entanglement. Then the real spiritual practice begins. But to make your life different depending on whether you have the determination to apply the new found reality or wisdom. If not, it is just another wonderful concept to talk about.

The application and the conviction to the insight is essential for the daily application and practice. Until the full realization, that knowledge or insight will flow within your blood and marrow, to the core of your being. Before that, practice with the necessary earnestness and conviction will surely enhance the speed of realization and deepening it. The secret lies here, as Maharaj, the great spiritual master says:
The door that locks you in, is also the door that lets you out.
The ‘I am’ (the witness) is the door. Stay at it until it opens. 

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