Monday, October 6, 2014

Soaking in the Transcended Ocean of Love

There are many terms to describe the mind. First of all, one must be able to differentiate the two basic aspects of mind: the static and the dynamic, or the passive and the active. Yin (陰) and Yang (陽). In meditation, it is the subject and the object.

Terms often used in various traditions to describe static aspect of mind like the pure Awareness, formless Heart, Soul, Spirit, the witness, God, Buddha Nature, the observer, knowing mind, pure Consciousness, the Source, Home, Tao, Emptiness, the Self, samadhi, Reality, Silence,  and more. These are the terms to describe the passive or static side of the mind. There is just One Consciousness, the rests are just labels and for namesake only.

The mind is like a spectrum, the static part is in one end and in a dormant mode, it is the source of consciousness. The goal of spiritual seeker is to reach the source. Since it is a spectrum, whether it is static or dynamic, it is still within the same consciousness. Like the subject, it is the Source, the passive mind; and watching over an object, the active mind which is just an extension or a manifestation from the Source. Subject and object are within the same spectrum of consciousness, but the Source, the static mind, is the 'blueprint' or 'template' from which the active mind, the object to arise, exist and disappear by itself. So it is obvious, meditation is not on the object, or on the active mind, but on the subject, the static mind or the Source. The subjective approach of meditation practice is the key to liberate the objective mind, which is always changing and unstable.

From this spectrum of consciousness; the Source, the subject, the self-awareness, or Reality ... that is our own self, our being, our existence - the I amness consciousness: is the essence of meditation subject. Hence, greatest attention should be paid to the subject, and NOT to the object.

We also use the word Heart, as the Source, implied Yin (陰) aspect of the mind. The active mind represents Yang (陽), which is always active, like the thinking mind. It generates actions, implies karma making. So the active mind is also the karma creator. On contrary, when the mind is transformed to the Heart; it is transcended, detached, quiet down, all the mental activities to be dissolving into the ocean of Love, like a river merging with the Ocean. In this aspect, Heart or Soul, is the purifier, it purifies the mind, stabilizes the mind, dissolves the mind, and slow down the karma making. Eventually it liberates the mind. 

Heart, its true nature is harmonious, timeless, blissful, peaceful, detached and existential. It is contrast to the nature of mind which are impermanent, inconstant, agitation, changing, clinging, involving with time and addicted to all sorts habitual tendencies. So the active mind is not reliable, but a source of  suffering. When mind is active and dominated our existence or our life, then we cling to the external worldly experiences, that sustains our rebirths and Samsara becomes our eternal home! Meditation is to dissolve, get rid of the active mind and going back to the Source. So the transformation from the mind to the Heart, becomes a transcended state, being one with the Source. That is to end the incessant rebirths; also the goal of the spiritual practice. 

The main theme of practice is always resting our active mind on the observer or the witness, let the mind soaked itself in the ocean of Love, in the pure Awareness, or in the Soul realm. The longer the mind stays at the Source, the more chances to transform the mind to the nature of the Heart. It takes time and effort to practice for this transformation to take place. Once the mind is tame and it is able to ride itself Home.

And with this level of practice, mind has found its Home, its Source, its Love, and it is transcended. At this stage, meditation is effortless, because it can directly contact with the Source itself. By simply ‘parking’ or resting the mind onto the Source, the formless Heart, then the mind is soaked into this infinite pure Awareness. 

Gradually, the previous habitual patterns of the active mind, like restlessness, unceasing thinking habit, other negative aspects of the mind, started to loosen. The mind nature is changing and slow down the mental process. Now the mind is more like the Heart.

In all: the mind is letting go its previous self, or identity, the roles, the images, that previously it has clung so tight, and finally, is able to let go off and free itself.

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