Sunway KL-5 Oct 2014.
While cycling this morning, mind was observing its own mental activities, like thought-process, mental chattering, commenting this and that. The thought-process is passively popping up from no where. Like watching a movie on a screen. It is happened in a very detached manner, like watching other people’s thoughts.
Conventionally, people say: I am thinking … So whatever come out from this thinking mind is MY thought-process. Or else who’s the one doing the thinking? If not, then who am I? We take it for granted, assuming that the thought process as mine. But actually there is ANOTHER ONE, apart from the thinking mind!
He (or It) is always there all the time, never ever leave you, but you are unaware of Him because you are so preoccupied and strongly attached with your external mental activities, that means you are not aware of your own existence. You forget yourself!
Your own existence is your witness, your being, yourself or the silent observer, He is always there, and witnessing everything we have experienced. So the thinking mind is just one aspect of His extension. That extension we call it the human mind, or the ego; we apply this limited mind for our day to day activities. One is passive - the witness, and the extension one is the active mind. The mind is like a coin of two sides; static and dynamic at the same time. The tricky thing is that we are so enchanted by the dynamic side of mind that we take it as ‘me’, ‘mine’, ‘I’, so the Maya (illusion) is in operation, and the separateness emerged, so the sufferings.
All our life, we seldom notice the static or the passive side of the mind - the silent witness, so we live our life PARTIALLY with the ego being busily and unceasingly engaging to outside world. Before we discover the witness, this personal active mind is the only little mind we have. Once we have found the witness - the all embracing transcended state of mind - we start to realize that this personal mind, or the ego is actually an impostor, and not the ‘real’ one! It is like a run away son, he has left his father long time ago. Then he is wandering around in his own created world as a nobody child. Alone and separated.
As the simile says the Eve was expelled from the Garden of Eden, and disowned by his Father. Metaphorically speaking, the expulsion of the Eve is the beginning of sufferings for the fall of man - the lonely self, or the ego - that the human being so much associated with.
In this case, the witness is the Father - the primal state of mind, the Garden of Eden, the Source where the Eve came from. That was the time the Father and the Son were One. Due to the emergence of the ego, the Father and the Son separated. That is how the ego is born and becomes a separate self. But in reality, the Father is always here and now, never has one second left His Son, only His Son has left Him. So the spiritual journey is the searching for the Father and the goal is to unite with Him. That's all the human evolution talking about: going to the Source and be One.
The most precious moment of the seeking is when the Son has found his Father. So to say that the ego, after wandering for a long, long journey in his own world, he finally has found his Source, the witness, the primal timeless consciousness, where he came from. Surprised! He is just behind and with you all the time, you are unaware because you never turn back your head and look inward of yourself. Like the Allegory of the cave by Plato, saying: the people in the cave only perceive what is in front of them, they are chained and kept from turning their heads. Their perception is their own shadows which the fire reflected on the wall of the cave. Exactly this is how our senses and our thinking minds are fooling and misleading us all the time. We take them as real, but they are just the reflections, until we turn our heads by looking inwardly.
At this stage, when the mind turns back and looks inward, the Son recognizes the Father; or the ego perceives the existence of the witness and found the Reality. How relieved it is, now you can ‘throw’ (surrender) everything of your burdens to the Father, like the saying: Surrender yourself to God. As it is said: The Kingdom of God is within you, so the Salvation lies within. God and you are One. Now you realize, you do not have to find God outside of yourself, or rely on others to find for you.
On the perspective of meditation, we find that there is nothing outside the mind: your hell, heaven or salvation, liberation or the Kingdom of God, is well within you. Just turn back and look inward, then you will find God. When the mind rests on the witness, your little ego is superimposed on the higher and unlimited Consciousness, now you are in the hand of God. God is infinite and timeless, God is Tao, and God is impersonal Consciousness or Emptiness, and many more names.
The Son no longer runs away from the Father, instead, reunions with Him; reaching the Source. With the embracing of the Silent Father - the witness - the world is still going on, everything as it is: in the World but not of the World.
Sum up the Truth:
I am that I am, not this, not that.
Just Be.
So, it is a happy ending story.