Friday, February 24, 2017

Another Half of You

I suppose Wind, as a person living in this world, is inescapable of avoiding that identification as the person, whether I like it or not—the one in the mirror—the form as the person in this world. That identification is very important to Wind’s life, it functions as a person to live in the world. It is essential to connect to the world, to express himself as the precious, and extraordinary being created by God. Wind—particularly through his face, voice, behaviour, and bodily language revealed his unique existence in this life. He is unique and the only one in this universe, no other face and person will behave exactly like him. Billions of people on the earth—and this unique being by the name of Wind, is just one of them—but he has his unique role and unique way to contribute within his particular life.

Wind, on one side, he is in the form of person; as the unique manifestation of Reality or God; on another side, it is in the formless form—the expression of Reality itself—called this the game of God, or Lila. Just like the two sides of a same coin, that’s needed to complete the whole story. It sums up well the relationship of God and men, Reality and its manifestation.

The relationship of the Reality and its manifestation, or God and men, the two is inseparable. If you separate it— mostly by ignorant—you will be led to the road of sufferings. So the ego or the separate self, is the one who only lives on one side of the coin. If your consciousness lives or identifies only with the half of story of the same coin—identify with this person, this world—even how inspiring, successful, valuable you are in this life; still, you are heading to the road of suffering, to the road of Hell. Why is it heading to suffering? Because the little man in the mirror, distinguishes me from all others. Then he becomes isolated, and separate from all others. But

who I really am is the combination of God and its manifestation, which is inseparable in nature.

Habitually, men are so wholeheartedly involved and attached to only one side of their existence of this world and this life, they are totally ignorant to who they really are—the Godly side of existence. Their sufferings; due to not living in totality, not seeing the whole picture. So, once you are out of the equation:

God+men=Totality of Life 
then you are also out of balance in life.

Therefore you are disconnected from your spiritual self, your root, your source and separate from God as well as all others which is the essential to your being. So you are left alone, you become a separate self, ego, fallen soul ... in other words: you are not complete, there is a missing link in life. Obviously, the combination is marvellous, it makes you whole and full circle in life. Nothing left out.

If separate from the two, or out of the equation and you are in deep trouble, you are heading to the endless samsara. You are trapped in the eternal hell of world.

In combination which allows you to join all others where we share the same identification—the Reality or God. This is what we really are. If totally involved with half of the little ‘I’ of ego, a tiny little person, a temporary and impermanent being in this world, which is incomplete in life, and you are always missing something in life. If too much absorbed into another half of spiritual Self of God— which will make you out of humanity, indifferent and out of the ordinariness of human being—which your remnant karma still plays the role in this life. Simply because your birth in this life is human life, there is a role for you to play. But remember, in Reality, or in the perspective of God, all sentient beings are exactly like you. But once you identify with your personality, your ego, your social status and of all worldly things, you separate yourself from the Reality, from God. So that’s how the equation works;

who I really am is the totality of Life,
then you can see the whole picture.

In my reality of who I really am—is exactly who you really are, and all sentient beings really are. For all the phenomenal of Wind in all his life, which is insubstantial, impermanent ego trip lasts a lifetime—and to identify with that alone is just half of the whole picture, is only half the worldly job done, which is incomplete and still leads you round and round in samsara endlessly until you have found another half.

In combination of the two by enquiring who am I; is the God order, is also your destiny for the union of the two, in this life.

Don’t miss it, find the missing link!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

There Is No Other

They say today, 14 Feb is a valentine day, a lover's day to express love, is there someone to love? Who am I? When you are the witness, at the soul level, beyond the ego and personality, there is no other. The soul drops away the ego and its story. 

When you are somebody, acts as a separate self then you identify with your story.  It only happens when you are at the ego level of ‘I’ and its story. I am this and that. At this level, your love is a possessive type of love; this ‘body’ loves that ‘body’, therefore it is individualistic and unique love, personal and special love for specific persons. Love with conditions, of course. This kind of love, you still don't know who you really are. Another kind of love, is conscious love, you know who you are. You have found the home of love, that's yourself. So you don't need other to love you, because you are. 

When you are the soul, the witness--a flow of love occurs, not active loving in nature but natural present of flow. You are nobody although the storyline is still going on as usual but no owner to create a drama between you and me. Just being and with no other. Because you are no longer identifying with it. There is tremendous release on your life! You are no longer binding to the conventional love, which needs somebody to love, and beloved. You no longer need bodily and possessive love; personal of love and hate relationship--always to be reminded to love and to be loved constantly--because there is simply no one to love. It is empty but there is the individual storyline, floating out there. You see it without identifying with it. How can you fall in love or get involved with the characters of a movie script? Because you know it is just a script with the characters playing and moving on a screen, it is not real. That insight of realisation, that understanding extricates you out of the world of duality--the world of love and hate, of personal, possessive and selfish relationship. What a relief!

When there is no other, the life is simple and easygoing, you save yourself for involving with the complicated and messy relationship. As long as you take somebody as the object of love, this personal involvement with possessive love, indicates you identified with the ego level of separate self, where all the world of emotions and feelings are pressing on you and become a burden to your life. You are trapped and not free when intertwined with this kind of love. Your world is limited and narrowed. That's the ego level of love, all the time  you need to sustain this separate self. You are afraid to lose the love, you cling to it tightly. There will be the end of the world when you lost it! It is terribly tiresome to sustain it. But people are so used to live this kind of life--a life of ups and downs, love and hate, pleasure and pain. Although, it is a burdensome and oppressive life, on ego perspective, it is perfectly aright.

What life style do you want to live? It is like choosing a radio channel, you can switch to another channel--the soul channel, one level up from ego--the witness. Your world change, so your love perspective. And you are ready to open up your heart. Then, there is unconditional and conscious love in the air that previously you have not detected or noticed. It pervades and spreads in every part of the universe, every moment you are in love--with tree, plant, dog, cat, even rock and walls of your house ...  Every moment, everywhere, you are expressing your love to everything. You simply feel indebted to the whole universe for no reason. That's love! So everyday is valentine day. Your soulful love is expressing itself because its nature is love. "The love is in the air" -- This is the real meaning deserved for it.  In the soul level,  there is no other, no lover but only the universal love of soul is ever-present, and it is always and already here, why look outside? So no need to look for lover, you are love. Doesn't it Beautiful? 

Still, wishing those who are engaging in conditional love of ego--a happy valentine day! And hope one day you may be able to upgrade yourself, switch to soul level and know who you really are. At the time being, enjoy while you can.