Thursday, June 27, 2013

我眼中的苦苓 ...

                                                   苦苓神隱8年走出深山, 與女友大方亮相

From Zebra Blog


向自然學習謙卑--- 苦苓

多面多變,  神祕女郎




婚外情後, 苦苓原本不以為意,繼續主持節目,甚至故意去買豪宅,表示自己沒有因此垮掉。但是當他發現,自己的版稅降為零,書一本都賣不掉時,他才理解到,讀者不認同他的行為。“我本來很生氣,後來才明白,讀者不買我的書,不是因為我外遇,而是因為我不誠實。”


“行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。” 苦苓體會出,窮途末路時,與其衝撞,不如超脫“人雖然走不出去,但心可以跟著雲出走啊。” 時候到了,歸隱山林10年的苦苓,帶著大自然的魔法,再度重返人間。

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

小男孩與爸爸 ...

「我想陪著爸爸」 美國小男孩坐在戰死父親遺照前發呆

崔西(Traci Wise)的丈夫2012年1月15日戰死在阿富汗戰場,四個月後的某一天,她找遍全家也沒見到小兒子路克(Luke),最後才發現他獨自坐在沙發旁,靜靜望著爸爸的遺照發呆。她不忍心打擾父子倆的相處時間,只能流著眼淚,拍下這令人難過的一幕。


路克的父親,一等士官長班傑明懷思(Benjamin B. Wise),隸屬於美國陸軍特種部隊,他曾經獲得銅星勛章、紫心勛章、北約陸軍勛章、伊拉克戰役勛章、全球反恐戰爭服務勛章,戰功彪炳。然而他在阿富汗的一次任務中受了重傷,並在一個禮拜後離開人世,得年34歲。




Saturday, June 8, 2013

Unbearable Compassion

The supreme purpose and goal for human life ... is to cultivate love.


We all know our humanity all too well. That is why we put the focus on recognizing that part of us that isn’t in the human-ness. Not to deny the humanity but to bring a balance about. Because that’s what you offer another person. 
When I look at some of you and I know you have problems with addiction and problems with sexual obsessions and problems with loneliness and problems with anger and problems with diseases and problems with frigidity and tightness. And I look and I see the whole sea of stuff or you tell me about it. And I just see curriculum after curriculum after curriculum after curriculum.
And I just see a group of beautiful souls on earth each having its own karmic work to do. At the same moment when you present it to me, my heart hurts. You don’t protect your heart from breaking because in a way a broken heart is like cracking a shell to let the deeper heart come forth. 
Because compassion is like the monk who is crying because his son has died and the student comes up and says, “What are you crying about? You know it is all illusion.” He says, “Yes but the death of a son is the greatest illusion.” And Maharaj ji crying when I was hurting.
You don’t close off your humanity by any means but you balance your humanity and if you don’t balance your humanity you burn out. And if you don’t balance your humanity you armor your heart and if you armor your heart you starve to death and that’s why you burn out because you are not getting fed.
You have to avert your eyes from the suffering of the world. You can’t look. You can’t look at the have-nots in the world.  You can’t stand it. You have to look away all the time. You have to avert your eyes from Central America and from India and from all those places because you just can’t stand it. Because you feel so impudent to do something to take away the suffering.
If you are going to be free, your freedom means that you do not avert your eyes from anything, in yourself or in anyone else. Freedom means to be a free awareness with what is. No aversion no attachment. They say that for a saint, all the world are their children and you feel the suffering of another person the same way you would as if it was your own child. It’s almost unbearable.
What makes it bearable? There is a little statue of the Buddha and it has a little smile at the edge of its mouth and it is called the smile of unbearable compassion. Sounds like a paradox. The smile of unbearable compassion. It is the unbearable compassion. 
It is beyond bearing and if you were somebody you couldn’t bear it, but you are the universe and that is what you are. You are all of that and it is that balance inside yourself. The smile of unbearable compassion. And that ability to embrace the suffering into yourself, to just keep taking it in and taking it in and look towards it instead of away from it, and look towards it and then take the way in which it reacts in you and keep doing that delicate balancing number. 
To balance that you still feel the humanity and at the same moment you allow, you don’t sit around judging God like what have you done to me, I am a good guy what are you doing this to me for. 
You don’t apply your rational criteria to the universe because the way karma works is not understandable by your rational mind since your rational mind is a product of karma and a system cannot understand something that is meta to itself. It is a logical impossibility. You don’t hear the full universe.
Here’s where the faith comes and the faith is deepened through your own practices, through your own direct experiences. It’s not belief that someone hands you. It is faith that comes from your own direct experiences. So you learn to keep your heart open in hell. Finally.

- Ram Dass

Friday, June 7, 2013

Being in Love ... Part 1

By Ram Dass

The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the receiving: it’s in the being. When I need love from others, or need to give love to others, I’m caught in an unstable situation. Being in love, rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. Being in love means seeing the Beloved all around me.

I’m not interested in being a “lover.” I’m interested in only being love. In our culture we think of love as a relational thing: “I love you” and “you are my lover.” But while the ego is built around relationship, the soul is not. It wants only to be love. 

It’s a true joy, for example, to turn someone whom you didn’t initially like into the Beloved. One way I practice doing so is by placing a photograph of a politician with whom I intensely disagree on my puja table – my altar. Each morning when I wake up, I say good morning to the Buddha, to my guru, and to the other holy beings there. But I find that it’s with a different spirit that I say, “Hello Mr. Politician.” I know it sounds like a funny thing to do, but it reminds me of how far I have to go to see the Beloved in everybody. 

Mother Teresa has described this as “seeing Christ in all his distressing disguises.” When I realized that Mother Teresa was actually involved in an intimate love affair with each and every one of the poor and the lepers she was picking up from the gutters in India, I thought to myself, “ That’s the way to play the game of love.” And that is what I have been training myself for the last past quarter century: to see and be with the Beloved everywhere.

One of the interesting aspects of seeing the Beloved in this way is that it doesn’t require the other person to see him – or herself as the Beloved. All that’s necessary is that I focus on my own consciousness properly. It’s interesting to notice, though, how warmly people respond to being seen as the Beloved, even if they don’t know what’s happening. (Of course, it all assumes that all your feelings are genuine and that you aren’t compelled to act on them or to lay any sort of trip on the other person. The idea is simply to live and breathe among the Beloved.

The way I work at seeing others (like the politician), as the beloved is to remind myself, “This is another soul, just like me, who has taken a complicated incarnation, just as I have. I don’t want to be in this incarnation any more than he wants to be in mine. But since I want to rest in my soul and not in my ego, I would like to give everybody the opportunity to do the same.”

If I can see the soul that happens to have incarnated into a person that I don’t care for, then my consciousness becomes an environment in which he or she is free to come up from air if he or she wants to. That person can do so because I’m not trying to keep him or her locked into being the person that he or she has become. 

It’s liberating to resist another person politically, yet still see him or her as another soul. 

That’s what Krishna meant when he said, “I’m not going to fight, because they are all my cousins on the side.” We may disagree with one another in our current incarnation, but we are all souls. ---  Ram Dass.


The reason is, the ego always fights or loves another person with our bias and selfish motives, but love from pure Soul (higher or subtle mind) is unconditional, without motive, and just being in love impersonally ... there is no burden of loving.

So, it reflects; the good, the true and the beautiful.
(真, 善, 美) 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Being in Love ... Part 2

By Ram Dass

A story I have told many times reinforces this point. Some years ago I put out a set of records called Love, Serve, Remember. The records – which had music, readings from the Gospel of John, and all kinds of neat things – came in an album with a beautiful booklet with text and pictures. It was a wonderful package, and we sold it by mail order for about $4.50.

I showed the album to my father. Dad was a wealthy Boston Lawyer – a conservative Republican, a capitalist, and, at the time, the President of a railroad. He looked over the album and said, “Great job here! But, gee, you know – four and a half dollars? You could probably sell this for ten dollars – fifteen dollars, even!”

I said, “Yeah, I know”

“Would fewer people buy if it were more expensive?,” he asked.

“No,” I relied. “Probably the same number would buy it”

“Well I don’t understand you,” he pressed on. “You would sell it for ten, and your selling it for four-fifty? What’s wrong, are you against capitalism or something?”

I tried to figure out how to explain to him how our approaches are differed. I said, “Dad didn’t you just try a law case for Uncle Henry?”

“Yeah,” he replied, “ and it was a damned tough case. I spent a lot of time in the law library.”

I asked, “Did you win the case?” And he answered, “Yeah, I won it.”

Now, my father was a very successful attorney, and he charged fees that were commensurate with his reputation. 

So I continued. “Well, I bet you charged him a hand and a leg for that one.”

Dad was indignant at the suggestion. “What, are you out of your mind? That’s uncle Henry – I couldn’t charge him.”

“Well, that’s my problem,” I said. “If you find anyone who isn’t Uncle Henry, I’ll rip them off.”

The point I was trying to make is that when you see the Beloved all around you, everyone is family and everywhere is love. When I allow myself to really see the beauty of another being, to see the inherent beauty of soul manifesting itself, I feel the quality of love in that beings presence. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing. 

We could be talking about our cats because we happen to be picking out cat food in the supermarket, or we simply could be passing each other on the sidewalk. When we a being love, we extend outward an environment that allows to act in different, more loving and peaceful ways than they are used in behaving. Not only does it allow them to be more loving, it encourages them to be so.

In 1969 I was giving a series of lectures in New York City. Every night, taking the bus up Third Avenue, I got the same extraordinary bus driver. Every night it was rush hour in one of the busiest cities in the world, but we had a warm word and a caring presence for each person who got on the bus. He drove us as if he were sculling a boat down a river, flowing through the traffic rather than resisting it. 

Everyone who got on the bus was less likely to kick the dog that evening or to be otherwise hostile and unloving, because of the loving space that driver had created. Yet all he was doing was driving the bus. He wasn’t a therapist or a great spiritual teacher. He was simply being love.

Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another. 

Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is a supreme creative act. --- Ram Dass

The Four Aims of Life

No matter what other desires we satisfy, no matter how much money, sensual pleasure, and power we obtain, no matter even how much good we do in the world, as long as the yearning for enlightenment goes unfulfilled, we will suffer from "divine homesickness" and "divine discontent": 
The sense of somehow being incomplete, unfulfilled, and not fully at home. 

For recent couple of years, a lot of contemplative works have been done. There is a saying in Hinduism, in our entire life, there are four major aims to go through. These are: artha, kama, dharma, and moksha. 
Artha: is the acquisition of material possessions and of all the things necessary for a comfortable and contributory life. So called working life and making a living.
Kama: is sensual pleasure and love, although it may not be essential, it is nothing wrong with it, as long as no clinging and attachment is involved. But mere pleasure seeking inevitably produces suffering, both for yourself and for others ...

Dharma: a word rich with meaning but in its essence referring to the broad range of moral and religious duties. This is an important and also the first step for finding the true meaning of life; seeking for spirituality.
Moksha: is spiritual release, enlightenment, or liberation, and is regarded as the ultimate goal and good of human life. The central practice to awaken heart and mind.
When life unfolds to its end, the best thing to do for ourselves is to understand life itself. In other words, clarity of mind and realized the true nature. 

As Mencius (孟子) of Confucianism says:

“Those who know completely 
their own nature, know heaven.”

Likewise, the great sage of India, Shankara asked: 

"How is heaven attained?" and responded, "The attainment of heaven is freedom from cravings."

The Buddha summarised in the Second Noble Truth:

“The cause of suffering is attachment or craving .”

So, Jesus of Christianity also says:

“The kingdom of heaven is within you.” 

Now, contemplate this:

We are never ever going to get enough money, sensual pleasure, possessions, or fame to be completely satisfied and fulfilled our happiness.


Freedom from attachment brings freedom from suffering.


No thing in this world is ever going 
to make us fully satisfied or 
ever-lastingly happy! 

It is because, 

Craving/clinging is the cause of

In worldly sense, we are all addicts. Why do we cling so deeply and desperately to our toys; our love, our wealth, our views, if they ultimately cause so much pain and suffering? 

So, as Christianity called it "The Fall" and Hinduism used the term "Maya" - in a state of illusion when we are in addiction. In falling into the state of illusion we have forgotten our boundless, spiritual nature. Or who am I? Where we come from (the Source). Why we are here? 

"The rain could turn gold and still your thirst would not be quenched", as the Buddha claimed. Jesus also pointed out, "No one can serve two masters ... You cannot serve God and wealth." 

This is why Gandhi, when asked to describe his philosophy of life, needed only three words: "Renounce and rejoice" and why Meister Eckhart, who lived in fourteenth-century Germany, promised that "No one is happier than those who have the greatest non-attachment."

So the fourth aim, moksha: it is about renouncement and non-attachment; it aims for the spiritual release, liberation, and find out who am I, our true nature and the ultimate truth.

It is the final and the most important stage, in human life. We must treasure this last stage of life, as the above three aims are over and completed, so now, we need continue to work for the ultimate goal, the fourth aim; to cultivate the heart, the mind and the soul by looking within, seeking the ultimate Truth, until the last breath. 

同様的,  孔子也有關類似的論點,  子曰:

三十而立: 依靠自己的本領獨立承擔起自己應承受的責任,並已經確定自己的人生目標與發展方向。它可以用立身 立業 立家三個方面概括。
四十而不惑: 對外,他明白了社會。對內,他明白了自己。對自己,他明白了責任。他必須承擔社會責任、家庭責任和撫養子女責任。首先,他必須做好自己的工作,這不單是生存的需要,也是為社會所做的貢獻,是必須盡到的社會責任。
五十而知天命: 知道了自己的命運軌跡,不怨天。知道了自己的人生定位,不尤人。知道了自己未盡的責任,不懈怠。
六十而耳順: 看透了生命, 看透人生。人到了這個歲數,不管聽到什麼言論,遇到什麼坎坷曲折,都能做到不激動, 而冷靜地進行思考,使自己的情緒順應客觀環境,順應事物規律,學會不暴躁,不氣餒,不悲傷,不退縮,達到寵辱不驚,始終如一的境地。生命,生命是有生才有命,生決定和影響著生命,所以六十歲的人,好好生活是最重要的,健康快樂地生活,不但可以減輕子女的負擔,也是對社會一種貢獻,起碼可以減少醫藥資源的消耗。生命的意義就在於自己對社會和他人的貢獻大於向社會和他人的索取,你做到了,也就沒有什麼遺憾了。
七十從心所欲: 隨遇而安, 也應該做好準備,  面對生死大事 ....

Here, a brief English translation of the above:
[Confucius began by making a life commitment to learning.]

By thirty, his commitment was firmly grounded.
At forty, he was free of doubts and conflicts created by conventional cravings / attachments.
By fifty, his mind was calm and clear enough to know the meaning of life.
By sixty, he was so free of competing compulsions that he felt no resistance to following pure and higher motives.
Finally, at seventy, his heart and mind had been so transformed that he desired only the good and could follow his heart's without hesitation or concern.