The Ego is an exquisite instrument. Enjoy it, use it -
just don't get lost in it.
just don't get lost in it.
Ram Dass
Even if you get lost in it, that's one way to learn all
about it.
about it.
The truth is, the more attentive we are, the less we screw up, the more clearly we come to know ourselves, the more at peace we are, and the better able we are to live the kind of life we want to live.
Reactive emotional states always begin with a single impulse - of fear, anger, jealousy, lust, etc. If we are attentive enough to see the impulse when it first arises, it is possible to avoid going down the path of events that result in a state of fear, anger, jealousy, lust, etc. It is simple - at least in principle. Ken Wilber
“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” – Mother Teresa, Charity Worker
「世人對愛及認同的渴望,超過對食物的飢渴。」– 德蕾莎修女
It is not feelings, it is the awareness of feelings. And that awareness itself is free of feelings and free of thoughts. And allows both feelings and thoughts to float by, just as clouds float by in the emptiness of the sky. Ken Wilber
感言 :
好好的愛身邊的人,在工作與專業上努力取得別人的認同 。你所能獲得滋養心靈的滿足,遠遠超過購買奢侈品的虛榮。
看著身邊的親人或朋友的笑容 ,不由自主的跟著快樂起來。同時得到愛與認同的感覺,就是我們所追求的快樂吧。
摘錄: 閱讀