住了这个国家,大半辈子,住吉隆坡也二十来年,却没有慢下脚步,拜访它,问候它... 记得,香港作家,馬家輝,每一兩年,他都喜欢到茨廠街,走访,像見到老朋友那样的親切!听说,茨廠街要被拆迁了,他老远從香港来这里寫文章,為我們打抱不平呢!慚愧,常坐了十多小时的飞机,到国外大城市, 小市镇去,近在眼前的,却看不到....好吧,就潇酒走一回,拍些照片,也算做歴史見証,哈哈 ....
以前常避开人多,杂亂的地方;其实杂亂或平静,还不是心在做怪?心量大,能拥萬物;天掉下来,可當被盖。还是接受當下缘起,或已经產生的事,然后以平常心去面对,或处理... 这样也可以培养心量度,它越大,心越开,越自在,增喜悦。不要小看它,这也是一个殊胜的境界哟!
Living in KL for about twenty years, hardly take few hours of mindful walking around Petaling Street, this so called Malaysia's 'China Street' (中华街), historical place, where early batch of Chinese from China, started their business life here. Taking for granted for so many years, until today, 31 Aug 2012...
Why not enjoy taking some good photos, strolling and leisure walk around, after all, today weather was nice, cloudy, windy and even sunshine was blissful.... You know, things will change every moment, who knows, one of these days, this historical place will be dismantled for new development with modern buildings? Anything can happen ... Nothing is permanent! Right?
My motto: If you have a plan in mind, Just Do It ... Or one day you will regret! Oh! Beautiful day, joyous and blissful, thank you, my God!
Just around the corner, another world, 不远处.... 另一天地....