Wednesday, June 30, 2010


從前有一富商,他有四位妻子。他最愛他的第四位妻子, 常給她穿最貴重的衣服、吃最美味的肴。他也非常愛他的第三位妻子,常以她為傲,喜歡帶她到朋友面前炫耀。雖然如此,富商其實十分擔心,經常怕她會跟其他男人私奔。



第四位妻子回答他:「不行!」別話不說, 頭也不回地立即離開了他。

第三位妻子回答他: 「不行!這裡的人生那麼可愛,你死後我會馬上改嫁別人的。」

第二位妻子回答他: 「對不起,這次我幫不到您了!最多我只能送您去墳場而已!」


第四位妻子是我們的身體。無論我們花多少時間與精力去保養它,令它看來很帥、很棒,很美,她必然隨著年老,而變醜陋,多病,最後,當死亡來時, 它必離我們而去的。


第二位妻子是我們的親屬和朋友。無論在生時他 / 她們與我們多麼親近、多麼的樂於相助,死後亦只可陪我們到墳場為止而已。而且,當你走後,還請和尚,道士 (或'Sai Kong') 念經作法, 清洗屋子, 粘貼護身符:‘閒鬼免進’ 把你趕走!多麼淒涼啊!唉,做鬼都難!

第一位妻子是您看不到的東西,那就是我們的心靈。在我們追求(物質)財富與(感官)欲樂時,她最常被忽視。事實上,她是唯一經常跟著我們到任何地方的東西,但是我們從來都不關心她,不重視她!因為我們在生時,被欲望 或美色,財富所迷惑,忘記她的存在。


只有心靈修持,觀察心態, 了解起心動念, 才能培養智慧,只有智慧是一生取之不盡,唯一能幫助我們渡過人生最後一程。朋友,還在等甚麼?還不好好的對待第一位妻子!不要等到老了,那時已經太晚了!

Oh friend, don't be older but still not wiser!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Be Happy With What You Have...

'People complain they have no shoes, other living without legs.' I remember this was what the late Chief, Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda of Brickfield saying in one of his Friday's Dhamma Talks in Brickfield Temple. I still remember this meaningful statement though it was more than 10 years ago! It is always inspired and encouraged me when go through the vicissitudes of life. Truth never change with time. So our wisdom tells us... be happy with what you have...

I really touch and move by the power of the human spirit, which is shown at its mightiest by this one little girl. I salute her! Sharing with you, one of the inspiring forwards from a friend...

Qian Hong Yen lost her legs in an accident. Her family in China are poor and couldn't afford prosthetic legs, so she uses a basketball to help her move. - Qian uses two wooden props to drag herself, and never complain, even though she has worn out six basketballs. She attends her class and she always smiles.

Extraordinary - The smiling crippled girl...

My dear friends, how can you feel frustrated, upset and complain about your life, when you compared to this little smiling cripple girl...

Hey, try to look deeper, we will know that the world does not owe us anything, be grateful to life: being alive is the MOST wonderful thing in LIFE and...

Always cheerful -
So be grateful with what you have!

Contented & Smile Always...

Friday, June 11, 2010

11 June - Leaving On a Jet Plane

Lyrics- Leaving On a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go,
I'm standing here outside the door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.
But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn',
The Taxi's waitin', he's blown his horn.
Already I'm so lonesome I could die.

So kiss me and smile for me,
Tell me that you'll wait for me,
Hold me like you never let me go.
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh babe, I hate to go.

There's so many times I've let you down,
So many times I've played around,
I tell you now they don't mean a thing.
Ev'ry place I go I'll think of you
Ev'ry song I sing I sing for you.
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring.

So kiss me ...

Now the time has come to leave you,
One more time let me kiss you,
Then close your eyes, I'll be on my way.
Dream about the days to come,
When I won't have to leave alone,
About the times I won't have to say.

So kiss me ...

Some of my friends are leaving this so called sweet homeland for greener pastures and stay overseas. Last night I had a dinner and a heart to heart talk to my good friend who is leaving for Perth for good. He just goes there with faith without much preparation, so called the God will guide him for everything. I too have great faith on him and he will find his way, and starts a new life and opens a new chapter there, as his life unfolds in his new found home...

Listened to him, describing passionately about his future life there, feeling touched by how great a human being, who is willing to start from scratch, sacrifice for
the sake of his family and children. How precious and refined a human being can be when comes to serve his family and his love ones, manifests the selfless love, or unconditioned love, in Pali word, it is called metta... It is great & cool!

I wholeheartedly wish his dreams come true, always be happy wherever he is. I bless him and his family well with all my heart... hope he will establish a successful life and distinguished career.

While talking to him, I felt a sense of loss... But he immediately prayed to his Lord to make a wish that let us meet again, in his new found home. He always takes pride and serious for his religious conviction that the God will DEFINITELY make me there! So I promise him, I will make a trip soon to Perth, to share his happiness, and catch up with him again. My dear friend, see you in Perth!

I dedicate this song to those, who have left this country for whatever reasons, and stay overseas for good.
Welcome back to your home land, that is your rightful place when you are tired over there... Just in case...

Happy anniversary to a friend who have just passed a year in overseas life. Always has peace with your heart, and take care my dear friend. Promise me, 要快樂啊!

Monday, June 7, 2010

When The Defilement Loses its Power...That is Blissful

While on the way to the office this morning, a sense of peace, blissful and inspired thought arose:

  • It is a blessing to be able to see defilement arising, and see it clearer. Yet, the most blessed thing is the defilement has lost its normal powerful impact on mind & body, so I still can walk the Dhamma Path unshakably...Simply feeling blissful... felt like blessed with everything in this life, whether good life, bad life, suffering or happiness, it doesn’t matter. What matter is, are we living life in full?
  • Look at the lotus, it stays cool and elegant while living in the muddy water... So this mind! While the defilement is part of the mind, it arising when condition is there, and disappearing without trace! Like bubble popping out from bottom of pond to the water surface... Lotus remains lotus, retains its pureness, not affected by the dirty water. So this mind with the defilement arising, still retains it coolness, pure and calm.
  • It is a true blessing to see defilement as defilement, its impact is minimized, it is tasteless to the mind when the mind does not cling to it. It loses its power! When it comes, it just performs its natural role, the role of defilement. With its arising and passing away, but the trained mind remains cool & balanced... blissful.
  • Thanks to the years after years of suffering, and still persist to observe this mind and learning from suffering... If we have wisdom, we can learn from suffering and get out of suffering, then suffering is a blessing. Like suffering from not having what we want, but who knows, after losing the thing we want is actually leading us to happiness, and that is a blessing! If we realize and understand this suffering leading to future blessing, then we can live our life wisely with happiness, even life is up & down, and full of sufferings! With this wisdom, that is the most blessing thing in life!
  • A sense of release, mind is able to let go of thing which is GOOD to let go! As clinging to the past means mind cannot open a new chapter in life. Let the past in the past, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. As life unfolds I meet up with new things, new people, because mind is ready to go FREE, into the uncharted path of life, which always leads to surprises and happiness. Let go is the KEY word... in my life!
  • Goodbye to the past, welcome to the the precious gift, for this birthday, and I would like to share with you all.

Are You Moody Today? Or Monday's Blue?

朋友, 不要分心...

My dear friends - depressed and gloomy today? Because today is Monday, have to work? Or piss off with your husband, wife or boss? Whatever it is... watch this video clip, may change your mood! Cheer up, my friends! But let me warn you, don't imitate his action! Or else, 你有的受...哈哈! Have a good day...and a good laugh too... Hope you enjoy and be happy again...
朋友, 請開懷大笑吧! 哇噻.... 真的笑死人...
把快樂帶給世界, 世界會
帶給給你更大的快樂! 對嗎?

Thanks to my ex-colleague, for sharing this video clip, appreciated for your forward mail.
As usual, I used to receive a lot of inspiring and humorous forwards from many good friends, thanks for the contributions to make this sharing possible...
Welcome for anyone who has interesting stories to share...share
your happiness or sorrow...
Ans let us laugh, cry... together with you... you are not alone... remember, you r part of the world, so part of me!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Celebrating the Birthday - What a Wonderful World...

RPK and Family
Happy Birthday!

哇噻! Lovely & romantic old couple! Envy you la, RPK!

Sara, Marina & RPK

What a wonderful world!

Woh... My great, dear hero RPK, you look good! Happy birthday Marina, wish you always well & happy! It is a refreshing moment to see RPK & his family living in safe, happy and enjoy life!

Since RPK 'self exile' more than a year, this is the first time, seeing you and your family living happily in UK. I am so emotionally charged, and happy to see you and your family in pictures - with everyone in enjoyable mood!

I always salute and have deep respect for your years of selfless sacrifices when you were in Malaysia, to fight fearlessly for racist, injustice, corruption, and whatnot, which are so rampant in this country. All your efforts and sacrifices, with unshakable conviction, just for one goal: to make all of us 'true Malaysians' - no second or third hand citizens, but just simply a Malaysian!

My ideal to look at the people of this world, as just human beings, irrespective of the nationalities, religions, or color of skin! Yes, may be it is existing only in my imagination, not likely to become a reality. But I always live with this ideal, and think in this way! Why human beings have to create so many obstructions and barriers, in term of race, ideologies, religions, to divide us and have wars through out the history? Why can't we look at ourselves as just human beings, inhabitants on this earth, on temporary basis? Why we fight because of race & religions during this very short span of life in this universe? Any right minded person, may think this as downright and utterly silly things to do - for destroying this world due to their own ignorance. After all, we are so tiny, and nobody, as compared to this earth and universe! To me, the purpose of life is to live it wisely, and learn from life as it unfolds moment to moment. Why waste time to fight, instead to love?

Today is also my birthday, I celebrate the birthday with this resolution: 'Support RPK, Support Reforming and Transforming Malaysia!' Let hope next year of today, RPK returns home in triumph because there is a change of Government of Malaysia! Then, on that day, on that moment, it is consequential and memorable to have a big celebration not only on my birthday, but for the new Malaysia!

Yes, let's fight for the new Malaysia! Don't give up...
be strong, and be supporters of RPK...Yes, we can, if we think we can!

What a wonderful world! This song always reminds and inspires me to look at the bright side of the world, there are people like RPK, we need you to continue fighting with us. This is our home, our rightful place, and no other place that we can call home! I really hope I can see you home on my next year birthday! Let dedicate this song to RPK.

RPK, we need you, and love you, take care!

What a wonderful world! May all of you be well & happy... I love you all!


Thanks to my good friend, Elaine, a 'hard core' RPK supporter, for her good 'advice' to celebrate my birthday in this way! Indeed, a very meaningful way, you are so creative... RPK will need u as his innovative planner, for the fight, haha... Tq, my dear Elaine.

What a Wonderful World - with Spoken Introduction...

Sing by Louis Armstrong, with spoken words of introduction...

The background of this song was in the United States of 60s, in that time, the everyday life was increasingly racial, and politically charged. The Negroes had no social status in the country, marginalized and discriminated. This song gave a hopeful and optimistic tone with regard to the future, with reference to babies being born into the world and having much to look forward to... a sense of promising... a sense of change...for a better world!

Now, we find racial issues arising, is happening in Malaysia! With this day of birth, 6th of June, let share our wish for this earth, to be a wonderful world to live! Let this song inspires and encourages us to look forward for a better Malaysia. Let this be my birthday song, to remind us: Don't give up hope! Change! Yes, we can...

I sincerely wish everyone be well, happy and peaceful... on this special day...And share this song of change for everyone...

Lyrics of What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong.

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Woh..Elaine, so creative and special birthday card, in the form of YouTube, with the song I love! Tq. v.m! A wonderful plan and good idea to celebrate the birthday with this meaningful lyrics, spell out all our wishes. As per your wish, I post it on this Blog...Thanks again, my dear, for your extra-ordinary effort!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World

Song with wording on screen....

Music, the food of LOVE! Good and powerful music can inspire for change! For individual, as well as the world...

With this beautiful song of Louis Armstrong, singing about the wonderful world around us, it brings joy when listening to his great, powerful voice and the meaningful lyrics. Do not underestimate good music, it may change you and inspire you. It is also a good antidote for stress, and change your mood of the day, for good! Listen now, and see how it changes your mood, then you will concur with me.

I love this song, which is powerful, inspires us to improve this planet, this world where we are living, breaks the man-made barriers and let the our hearts connected. Let's inspire ourselves with the following quotes:

'Change will not come if we waiting for some other person or some other time...' quoted from the President of United States, Barack Obama.

'There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.' quoted from Albert Einstein, a physicist who was born in Germany, in 1879.

'If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made of.' quoted from Bruce Lee.

'If you think you can, then you can...' quoted from a long lost friend.... And... please wake up from playing internet games... Time up, and listen to this song, my dear!

I dedicate this song to those, who happens to have the chance to see this Blog, offer and share with you, my dear friends. With concerted efforts, this song inspires us to think and do any possible way, even a small effort, to save this planet, save this world, for our future generation.

May all beings in this earth be well, peaceful & happy!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Food For Thought - Because I know it...

A man once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he asked the sculptor, "Do you need two statues of the same idol?" "No," said the sculptor without looking up, "We need only one, but the first one got damaged at the last stage." The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. "Where is the damage?" he asked. "There is a scratch on the nose of the idol." said the sculptor, still busy with his work. "Where are you going to install the idol?" The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar twenty feet high. "If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch on the nose?" the gentleman asked.

The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said, "I will know it."

The desire to excel is exclusive of the fact whether someone else appreciates it or not.

"Excellence" is a drive from inside, not outside. Excellence is not for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What a Joke - Be aware of English...

Prime Minister Mori

On those days, before paying an official visit to Washington, Japan's Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama...

The instructor told Prime Minister Mori, when you shake hand with President Obama, please say 'how r u'.

Then Mr. Obama should say, 'I am fine, and you?' Now, you should say 'me too'. Afterwards, we translators, will do the work for you.'

It looks quite simple, but the truth is...

When Mori met Obama , he mistakenly said 'who r u?' (Instead of 'How r u?'.)

Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor:
'Well, I'm Michelle's husband, ha-ha...'

Then Mori replied 'me too, ha-ha.. .'.

Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

What a joke, but also a true story from the Japanese Embassy in the States!
Hmmm... those who stay or work in the US... be aware of your English!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Joke of Today - Laughter is the Best Medicine...

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.

He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

'Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through.
So, please allow her body to switch with mine for a day.


God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.
The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman.

He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate.
Awakened the kids,
Set out their school clothes,
Fed them breakfast,
Packed their lunches,
Drove them to school,
Came home and picked up the dry cleaning,
Took it to the cleaners
And stopped at the bank to make a deposit,
Went grocery shopping,
Then drove home to put away the groceries,
Paid the bills and balanced the check book.
He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.

Then, it was already 1 P.M.
And he hurried to make the beds,
Do the laundry, vacuum, dust,
And sweep and mop the kitchen floor.

Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.

Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework.

Then, set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing.

At 4:30pm
He began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper,
He cleaned the kitchen,
Ran the dishwasher,
Folded laundry,
Bathed the kids,
And put them to bed.

At 9 pm
He was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said: -

'Lord, I don't know what I was thinking.
I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day.

Please, Oh! Please, let us trade back.


The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied:

'My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were.
You'll just have to wait nine months, though.
You got pregnant last night.'

This, the Women's Favorite E-mail of the Year! Share with you and cheer up!