Master, I want Ferrari, Minister, president, woman, money, power & more...
These few months, I have been following up the MCA party political infighting.
Actually, not the party issues, their ideologies or their power struggles that attract me, but their unprincipled to the extreme and strong craving to power and positions that really draw my interest. And yet they portray to be decent, devoted Buddhists. Their contradictory actions and hypocrisy are really disgusting. Generally, all politics involve power struggle, without power, it is not called politics any more. But basic principles and consistency must be adhered strictly, without compromised. Especially when you claimed yourselves to be religious persons. You just cannot have a cake, at the same time to eat it! It means, you have to choose either one; if not, inconsistence arises.
They are few top level politicians in MCA portray in public to be highly religious persons. As they declared themselves as devoted Buddhists, I wonder how they live their life when their religion and politics are in conflict as they pursue their goals? How to reconcile for practicing the ideologies of Buddhism and the hardcore politics? Is it possible? As a politician, once you identify yourself as a religious person, your actions will be judged and scrutinized along with your religion. This is a natural reaction from people, because you are public figures and elected by the people. That is the moral expectation.
Therefore, how can you be a religious and devoted Buddhist, at the same time your heart is corrupted by cheating and lying just to demonize your enemy in order to defeat him? In the process to gain power and positions, your heart is full of hatred, greed and cunningness. Naturally, you react to manipulate whatever means just to achieve your goals. This is not in line with the religion you claim you are. In the eyes of public, the inconsistency is very obvious. Are you not aware of this? Or are you ignoring this?
Buddhism is a matter of heart cultivation. Internally, it starts from heart purification and manifests outwardly into actions and behaviors. It is a practice of consistency between heart and mind; what we say and what we do. Even put aside religion, consistency in word and action is the basic moral standard for any person. If politicians without this basic morality, how can we believe what they say? Then, how can they be entrusted with power and positions to serve the public and the people? It is sad to say that this country is full of these kind of politicians. No wonder, in all aspects, the country is in the downfall process. The nation is in danger!
In politics, all over the world, it is a trend for politicians to make use of power and positions, to amass a huge fortune, assets, money for themselves in whatever means. They often talk one thing and do another. Politicians rarely admit their mistakes until they are caught red-handedly. They are masters in twist and turn. I can safely say, these politicians, they always put their personal interests on the top priority. The rest is just part of their political game to achieve their goals. Never believe what the politicians say, but see what they do. To these kind of politicians, trust is the last thing to talk about.
I wonder, do they ever wake up in a middle of quiet night, and see their conscience, and ask the questions; "Am I a corrupted politician?", "Do I genuinely practice my religion and follow the precepts accordingly?"...
If you cannot see your conscience, please don't further corrupt and manipulate the religion, leave it alone!